My Music :]

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Emo's 4ever :]

Emolyyy's avatar

Birthday: 02/17

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All About ME! :]

Hellow. Im Emily im a Punk/ Emo Kind Of Gurl.
Um I go to jsms. My Fav Color are Blue, green, pink, and black.
My Fav kind of music is Rock, alil rap, and Techno. I hate country music. it can put me to sleep XD. umm..I have a Boyfriend, so guys, step down ;]. Umm, Donj't get on my hate list because i will cuss u out like a mother trucker :]. My fav 2 video games are kingdom Hearts 1-2 , i Love taking Pics Of My Fam[ily] and Friends. I Love all My friends, if i don't love u ill let u know XD. My Fav Movie is Twilight, My Fav two people from that movie are Edward Cullen and Jacob Black, i mean come ON jacob has a freaking 8 pack!!
Im Not the jealous Type. i Hate drama, even tho i could fight in an arguement doesnt mean i like it. if u mess with my friends ur gonna meet my fist, and if u piss me off ill punch u in the mouth :]
I hate people hovering over me, i hate people with staring problems. and i ALSO hate people who cant mind there own beez wax. My dream MTV Husband is Chris Brown XD. but in Life i know we would Never be togather. I Love my boyfriend♥, he means the world to me, and yes he's the jealous type XD. Um i have 1 best friend, Kenny♥. umm i love rainbows. my least fav colors is brown and grey. there dissapointing colors XD. i love to talk on the phone with my friends. i hate one person in the whole world His nameis Ricardo, we can NEVER get along *he starts it* :] one day ima punch him in the mouth XD.
I have a memo : u may look but dont touch *even if u are my boyfriend* :]♥. My fav bands are : paramore, flyleaf, shiny toy guns and panic to the disco. My mom and my other memo is :Forgive and forget :]
my life is i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t...
my life is p-e-a-c-e-f-u-l..
so dont screw it up :]♥.
well thats about it Byeeeee♥. :]]

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PunkRockerGurl123 Report | 04/20/2009 1:00 pm
haha what did u do gurl
PunkRockerGurl123 Report | 04/17/2009 3:12 pm
hey gurl hows it goign havent talk 2 u in so long
Stace N Space Report | 03/30/2009 12:34 pm
Stace N Space
kayler2 Report | 02/15/2009 3:47 pm
nothin much ether wat u want to talk about u got a boyfriend
kayler2 Report | 01/18/2009 7:38 pm
nothingg muchh chyllen
withh da cuzzo
pimpster 247 Report | 01/11/2009 12:16 pm
pimpster 247
thanx and im not shadow cods freand on gaia if u need mor info pm me my profile background i made it by my sealf on
pimpster 247 Report | 01/11/2009 12:15 pm
pimpster 247
thanx and im not shadow cods freand on gaia if u need mor info pm me my profile background i made it by my sealf on
PunkRockerGurl123 Report | 01/01/2009 5:55 pm
PunkRockerGurl123 Report | 01/01/2009 5:50 pm
ok ill try
PunkRockerGurl123 Report | 01/01/2009 5:46 pm
yep so its kinda ok really creepy
pimpster 247
Stace N Space

Hiiiiiiiyaaa :]

Rockin' :]

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