Emo Punk Mistress

Emo Punk Mistress's avatar

Birthday: 04/15/1991

This is just a simple song...



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Hello there!
My name is Latisha and I have been a proud gaian member since August 2006, under a different account. I created this account in 2007 and have been using it ever since. Currently I am twenty-three years of age and though that means I am legal for everything but presidency, I don't actually do much of the 'legal' things. I don't vote, I don't smoke (unless I'm severely upset or stressed), I don't drink... much. Yes, I have an occasional flavored beer or mixed drink. I have recently discovered I have a fondness for martinis.

I have a passion for baking and hope to one day open a bakery of my own, or at least work at one. In the future I hope to someday be married and have four children, two of each. I'm a big supporter of equality and love so it takes a lot for me to really not like someone else. To put it simply, I love love and love to give my love to others.

I love to roleplay so if you have anything interesting,
please feel free to share with me!

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Recently Stalked

foxfaery on 04/25/2023
Terrowva on 11/13/2021
Vague Lucidity on 07/26/2020
