Journal/About me
Hey, I'm Emma, I'm 17 and a bred and born Californian. wink The emmkhajiit, (the khajiit part) is from one of my favorite vid. games Skyrim, they're cat people....cats are, wanna talk? Wanna be friends? Just ask, I'm super friendly and not scary at all ;p Well maybe a little but that's just the secret anarchy side of me coming out. I love art, specially street art, but I've never had the chance to do any. I someday want to do something in graphic arts or advertising. And who knows, I might submit some to the Arenas sometime ;3
Journal: Just came back from a 3 year long break from gaia, starting my journey to buy EVERYYTHING I WANNNTTTT. Now that I know how to make money xD
Journal: Just came back from a 3 year long break from gaia, starting my journey to buy EVERYYTHING I WANNNTTTT. Now that I know how to make money xD
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well thanks u too
im at school razz
Thank you!
How ya doin?
and how's Link?