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I ' m t h e s h i t [ :

Don't let the avatar fool you....
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I look younger, I know.

I'm going crazy here by myself
I want you and no one else
Sending out a signal of my distress
I confess I'm obsessed*

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Supp, I'm Emily. I'm 14.
I'm quite outgoing.
I like taking pictures.
I like editing those pictures.
100% supporter of Homosexual Marriage.
I like traveling.
Samantha Dylan Baida is my best friend.
Steal her, and you won't be alive tomorrow.
Oh, and Cassidy Boland, Brittany Brown and Jessica Leavell are also my number ones.
I like chatting.
I'm always chewing gum.
I like computer smilies.
And Indie kids.
And Physcadelic Music.
Make me smile and I'll love you.
Facebook ADDICT.
Message me your name, and I'll add you.
I adore how 'ily' is in the last part of my name.
I also adore how I have a beauty mark under my right eye.
I have a hearing disorder called Hyperacusis.
Long story short, I have advanced hearing.
I can hear your conversations.
Hello Kitty and V-Necks are the $hit.


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"Fighting over Religion
is like fighting over who has
the best Imaginary Friend."