hey sexy welcome welcome hope your haveing fun yes its me just look around you can make the gold by playing games and with that you can bye clothes or stuff 4 your car or house.. or just pimp your profile some myspace layouts dont work so i sugjest googleing gaiaonline layout codes and well when you pick a layout then copy the link and go back to gaia then skroll down on the tab that has the words my gaia go to account setings then go to profile theam and paste that waz the hardest part fo me to figure out ugggg but have fun oooohhh you can go to places called towns to meet people just skroll down on world and click towns this brings up a new page and you will see 4 people they dont talk click on directory and then you should see a grid thingy those are towns you can walk around or find people . people are sometimes in the notic-able places on the grid. just click on stuff and have funn ps cheack out the bushes and trees some have gold in them and you can catch bugs too: love you have fun..
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