Remind me to update my interests.
Elizabeth K.Tolstoy The wolf of the dead
hey ne one ever heard of gothic santa if so just tell me
Well if you are a wolf and haven't heard about this the say of ( By Blood) well lets say thats up to you to beside what it means.
yes i have pets they seam like there crazy and will eat just about ne thing heres a big hello from molayvolca the 10 chickens two ducks 2 rabbits 8 cats and the monster of a small bread dog my grandmother calls buddy yes that bloody dog of her's pisses me off but only because it chewed two colectables all my pands including me trip jeans my game boy advance sp charger cored my shoes my pillows and my brand new bed sheats
yes i have pets they seam like there crazy and will eat just about ne thing heres a big hello from molayvolca the 10 chickens two ducks 2 rabbits 8 cats and the monster of a small bread dog my grandmother calls buddy yes that bloody dog of her's pisses me off but only because it chewed two colectables all my pands including me trip jeans my game boy advance sp charger cored my shoes my pillows and my brand new bed sheats
yes i have pets they seam like there crazy and will eat just about ne thing heres a big hello from molayvolca the 10 chickens two ducks 2 rabbits 8 cats and the monster of a small bread dog my grandmother calls buddy yes that bloody dog of her's pisses me off but only because it chewed two colectables all my pands including me trip jeans my game boy advance sp charger cored my shoes my pillows and my brand new bed sheats
Half crushed by the world. The world is crushing me. Can't get help cause no ones trustin me. Left alone in this wold the world don't care bout me. Cught cryin alone cause no ones home to bary me. With thier head and thier chet it might as well not even be me. Cause i'm left in this world and it keeps crushin me.
scrole that way plz>.
some times i feel worthless alone and not even my friends can cheer me up. i need some thing more.
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