
There's not much to say about me really, I'm your average teenager only with less of a life because I spend most of my time on gaia...actually that's not true I sped most of my time on gaia because I have no life. Either way it has become my ultimate pass time, so that's brilliant.
I am from Canada, the land of the great moose! Actually that is false I don't think I've ever seen a real moose, but that would be cool wouldn't it?--Update: I SAW A MOOSE!!!!! Last summer in Calgary with my dad. It.was.awesome. And really big.
I am 17, graduated this year. Starting college in the fall. I read far to many books (It's sad really.)
If you want to find out more about me check out my art and writing in the arenas, I think they say a lot about a person. Or just ask.

Have a good day

Dream Avis, help with any is deeply appreciated:

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