Um, because I like it?


EdenOfDreams's avatar

Last Login: 06/21/2011 7:56 am

Registered: 07/13/2004

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"Do you think you can finish your bubble tea this time in under 5 hours?"- Jeff Joseph (Hell no!)

"Why beat around the bush when you can set it on fire?" - Robin Shaw

"Alas, Earwax" - Albus Dumbledore

"Art is what you can get away with" - Warhol

"Though we're sitting down... We're giving you a standing ovation." - The Producers

"Something has changed within me. Something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. Too late for seccond guessing, too late to go back to sleep. It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes, and leap.... It's time to try defying gravity, I think I'll try defying gravity. And you can't pull me down!" - Wicked

"It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees." - ?

"My Mother is a Fish" - Faulkner

"If going to church makes you a christan, does going to a garage make you a car?" - ?

"Every day the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier FFXII

"Never trust a sabre fencer with your keys" - Knight Blades Motto

"I think I know, I don't think I know, I don't think I think I know, I don't think I think!" - Radical Edward

"Bad things are always going to happen, what defines who we are as people depends on what we do when they happen." - Anthony Buccino

"I will judge you" - Ezekiel 21:33:37

"Reality has a shy nature. If you get close it will hide away. Reality can't stand to be alone. If you try to keep it away it will chase after you." - Edel (Princess Tutu)

"Death is a surprise party, unless you're already dead on the inside." - Jigsaw Saw III

Yes, I'm sick, officer. Sick from the disease eating away at me inside. Sick of people who don't appreciate their blessings. Sick of those who scoff at the suffering of others. I'm sick of it all! - Jigsaw Saw I

Those who do not appreciate life do not deserve life. - Jigsaw Saw II

What is the cure for Cancer, Eric? The cure for death itself. The answer is immortality. By creating a legacy, by living a life worth remembering, you become immortal. - Amanda Saw II

Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do. - Voltiare

I should like to lie at your feet and die in your arms. - Voltiare

Injustice in the end produces independence. - Voltiare

It is one of the superstitions of the human mind to have imagined that virginity could be a virtue. - Voltiare

God is a comedian, playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. - Voltiare

But there's one thing I know, and I know it for sure, this disease that we've got, has got no ready cure. And I'm certian, life is terribly hard... When your life's a FACADE! - Jekyll and Hyde

There, can you hear it? If your soul has not truly abonded all hope, then you can hear the sound, that races through the end of the world! - Utena


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Serith the fox Niamash Report | 03/13/2008 4:29 pm
hey there, I see you got your girl looking really good on here. well figured I'd drop the complement and say hi. laters, Serith~
Chiihaya Report | 09/27/2007 11:45 am
I like all of your sayings ^^
wing1933 Report | 09/15/2007 9:58 pm
I was going to post back, but obviously I had to report that guy and didn't really want to be assaulted with that image again. He was trolling all night and probably did that in you thread since you owned up to being over 18. Not everyone is cut out for partying all the time. You have to do what is most comfortable for you. It is hard enough to go to college let alone be going out every night.
Mrs Maveck Report | 07/14/2007 6:49 pm
Wow. I love the quotes on your profile. They are awesome. I sat there and read them all, even read a few outloud to my mother.
Pixie Panda Sakura Report | 06/11/2007 5:45 pm
*fangirl squeel* I love your profile!
Multifaceted Thoughts Report | 04/27/2007 3:19 pm
I love your current avatar!
In media res Report | 04/23/2007 8:44 am
Salve, amica! Quid est hodie?
O1OO1OO1O1OO1111 Report | 04/03/2007 10:27 am
Please contact me, fellow physicist. smile
Rev Shrubbery Report | 03/07/2007 4:59 pm
Your profile is gorgeus. I would also like to compliment you on the fact that you are literate AND respectful of others! BRAVO.

Sometimes... You just have to be deadly...