
Konnichiwa! (or Ohiyo/Konbanwa, depending on what time it is) I'm Mitsuki! I'm a cheerful otaku an artist, a daydreamer, I play piano, am a brown belt in tae-kwon-do, and enjoy sparkly/shiny things, sporks, manga, chocolate, my friends and music. A full list of Me-ness would take to long to write, but at least you have an over view ^_^
I'm not on Gaia much, but anyone can contact me on deviantart (I'm Hikari-no-Mitsuki) or, well, as childish as it sounds, neopets (maia371). Yeah, I still keep up with the neo account I got when I was about 10, don't judge me, k? xD Guilds and games entertain me. I like entertaining things. lol

Feel free to send me a message, I'll reply next time I'm on ^_^ TTFN!


Viewing 3 of 3 friends


Viewing 7 of 7 comments.

tin moon

Report | 10/08/2009 3:32 pm

tin moon

Kuro Kyou Kiiro

Report | 07/05/2009 5:11 pm

Kuro Kyou Kiiro

Hey, this is Chris. What's up?

Report | 12/08/2008 9:45 am


thanks for buying
tin moon

Report | 09/18/2008 12:41 pm

tin moon

You have to change it to Old School Profile. Back what I had, back in the day. (Is gaia geezer)
tin moon

Report | 09/17/2008 9:20 am

tin moon

Try TekTek.org

Report | 09/12/2008 7:48 am


heh heh, thanks Shia! I need to change my gaia lookup... and, well, everything else on my gaia account.
Prince Oakley

Report | 07/13/2008 10:58 am

Prince Oakley

Tee hee. Nice siggy. ^_^


Fictional characters make better bfs.