draven ackley

draven ackley's avatar

Birthday: 01/23

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My name is Draven and I am the second son of the house of Ackley. Unfortunately, my house is all but dead. In the summer of my 52nd year, the land upon which my family lived was attacked, not by humans as many would believe. No, we were attacked by scores of dark elves.

My elder brother was the one who sent me away from the battle with orders to protect our mother and sisters. It did not go smoothly. Mother refused to leave father's side and she died fighting with her back against his. My sisters came, yet had no desire to continue on with me in an attempt to locate our attackers.

By the time I had passed my 60th year, I had still not successfully located the elves responsible for our loss. I decided to create a new life for myself. Father had been insistent that my brother and I learn to defend ourselves and trained us both in the art of swordsmanship. I put that training to good use-

For the next ten years I was in service to the half-demon Taire as a member of his personal guard. He was a strange creature, but never minded my race. I would have served him longer, but a personal guard is no match for an angered mate.

After his death, I traveled for many years until, finally, I came to a small village. I had never set foot in a village that held more than one race until that point in time. Weary from my travels I took up residence in an inn. In that inn, I had my first encounter with another dark elf since the attack on my family's home.

She was interesting, I must admit. Her dark hair was dirty and her clothes looked as though they had been through a battle. What surprised me the most, was what the young elf was doing. I had been raised to be a proper gentleman for the most part; there I was in a rundown inn staring at a female dark elf drinking ale as if there was no tomorrow. So, I inquired as to whether or not she desired company-

Oddly enough, she declined and moved instead to a table where a group of half-breeds were gambling over the runes. I continued to watch and was astounded to see a woman act like the equal of men twice her size and likely to be more dangerous. That last thought needed to be re-evaluated rather quickly. After a few rounds, she won and the men took offense rather easily.

I swear that my eyes must have become larger as she decapitated a half-elf and took the hands off of a were. To think that a mere woman could kill as easily as my father had trained me. After the dispute I sought to learn more about her. She was a soldier, that I would have had a bit of difficulty believing, had I not witnessed the earlier events. I inquired further and all I received in response was an invitation...

An invitation to join a family.

I spent nearly two years pondering my answer to the invitation. Finally, I accepted, but I had no way of informing her of my decision. I began searching for the dark elf army, which I knew her to be a part of. I found her; sitting at a fire with two other women. The events that transpired after were quite strange. She was silent and I found myself speaking to a younger woman with purple skin and hair. This was the woman who officially accepted me into the family.

Since that day, I have been living peacefully as a merchant. My home is not the same as my father's, but I hope it never becomes that way.

I am Draven of the house of Ackley.


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Do not Disturb

I write about whatever I want to.... end of story.


All men die. Some die with honor. Others with glory.
Me; when I die I want a clean conscience.
Honor and glory mean nothing if you feel guilt for what you have done to achieve them.




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There is a saying:

"Don't judge a book by its color."

It is sad how many cannot understand such a simple phrase.