About me
Well my favorite thing to do is sit in front of the computer all day(You guys do that too right?). I love playing ZOMG as well. My favorite rings are the Hack ring and the bump ring. Feel free to add me. I'm always open and looking for new things to do. Sometimes I'm just bored outta my mind so I just quit Gaia for a few days, weeks, and/or/hardly months. Well if you want to trade anything with my feel free to. Just PM first and tell me what you want/need and I will most likely trade with you.(If I have that item that is.) As you can see in the backround and the pictures that I like Dragons a lot. Yes, I know that they are only mythcial creatures. I've loved Dragons ever since I saw one in a book when I was 4 XD.
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its charge lvl...
i have like 3. something...
been long time since i played it....