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Dragon In A Tree

Dragon In A Tree's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Norway


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Well, what can you say?

I'm an eighteen year old girl from Norway.

I was born in the third largest city in North Norway, and I'm now moving to the capital.

I love to read humour, tragedy and horror, and when I write something, it mostly also falls into this genre.

I write both original works and fanfictions. When it comes to fanfiction I mostly both read and write Harry Potter, but I've lurked in other fandoms, written two Naruto-centric oneshots and have a KH AkuRoku romance oneshot slowly coming together.

I have two original novels I work at sometimes, and hope to one day in the unforseen future be able to publish it, but I mostly stick to short stories.

I just like to tell short bittersweet stories, for some reason.

At the moment I'm working on a 100-word prompt list. I took a break for a while, but I've started up again.

Well, not much else to tell about me.


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Randomness Pure

Here, I post Disney songs in their English and Norwegian versions. I also translate the Norwegian into English to the best of my abilities. Requests for songs are welcome.



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icchachan Report | 10/12/2019 7:50 pm
Thank you for the purchase~ heart
milktpapi Report | 10/12/2019 6:46 pm
thank you for your purchase! <3
NicosQuiteMad Report | 02/07/2011 2:18 pm
How do I shot web?
User Image
NicosQuiteMad Report | 02/06/2011 1:35 pm
OH LAWD!!!! eek
THAT'S RAPE!!!!! gonk
You could at least buy me a drink first!!! crying
...But a black tophat would do.. dramallama
Lenre Li Report | 01/26/2011 11:23 pm
Lenre Li
My LJ is here if you're interested. xd

It was so awesome she stayed over. I got her into Fullmetal Alchemist. cool I can't wait 'till I see her in person again...

Lenre Li Report | 01/26/2011 11:09 pm
Lenre Li
Yes! biggrin And one of my friends, also on Gaia, we met for the first time. She lives in Melbourne, a whole state away from where I live, and she stayed with me for a few days~ heart

Ooooooh. :3 I've been writing... and making icons... @_@ I have an LJ now.
Lenre Li Report | 01/26/2011 10:59 pm
Lenre Li
Sucks about the relationships... xd But awesome about Denmark!

I've been going to Sydney alot, and last time I went I met some friends from Gaia. biggrin We had so much fun~
Lenre Li Report | 01/26/2011 8:11 pm
Lenre Li
<.<;; I'm having fun playing with my new Pale Marionette~

Ohhhh. biggrin How're you!?
Lenre Li Report | 01/21/2011 1:57 am
Lenre Li
Thanks. xd This is just one of my older avvy's reworked a bit though...

What was your name before? gonk I haven't talked to you in ages, so yeah... >.<;;;
Raccoonn Report | 09/06/2010 8:30 am
Fank you o_o yours is very o.o complicated and pretty xD


[b:03cdd5f42e]Hold Together - Hold Hands[/b:03cdd5f42e]

In revulsion against violence and compassion towards all those who are affected.[/align:03cdd5f42e]

Over one million people are now holding hands.
