Its All About Me
ELLO~! Im someone some of you know in real life but for those who dont...Name:
***** mad D:
you can call me "Spaz" or "Nae"
("dradon" if you must)
out of this world...(ya right)
im not gunna tell you [(ya might stalk me!)not that i care ,i'll just kick yur a**]
IM 16!!!
Karate (1st degree brown belt)-1st place strongest kick- don't mess with me!
hipper, inocent (usually), speeks out mind, Supportive, dependable /strong(for size) quik tempered on stupid stuff(resently i noticed this but its not like an anger managment issuue), simple minded(very)
ALTOIDS! ,friends,family,drawing, DRAGONS , rollercosters, manga, shiny stuff, GIR, things that go BOOM
sour stuff, things that arent shiny, stuff that doesnt go BOOM, people that lie (seriously its a waste of time and breath) and when ppl dont tell the whole truth(as in only some of it and leaves the rest out) ,swings that go in circles (dont ask),
Things that annoy me:
why would i tell u?
Stuff i say:
MEEP , di di di!, WAFFLES!, it went BOOM!, YAAAAAY!... wait that was bad right?, FOUND IT!(when i run into stuff) "who am i? who knows, i could be you"
Things i tend to do...:
run into walls,doors, ppl, etc, kick annoying ppl :XP: and down ALTOID(yay!) ... in 5 minutes
very; i speek the truth, i can give good advice in some situations(dont get me wrong im not a freaking theropist) and i can be quite the optomist
Something i read...:
girl and a guy were speeding on a motorcycle
100 miles per hour.
Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No its not, please, its to scary.
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you, slow down.
Guy: Now give me a big hug.
*she gave him a big hug*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on
yourself, its really bothering me.
The next day in the newspaper a motorcycle
crashed due to a brake failure. Two people
were in the crash, but only one survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road
the guy realized that the breaks werent
working. But he didnt want the girl to
know. Instead, he had her hug him and
tell him she loves him one last time.
Then he had her put his helmet on so
that she would live, even if it meant
that he would die. If you would do the
same for the person you love, copy this
in your profile
(me)-now that is intense
Resently i found this out...
Comments (if u think its personal or weird PM me)
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~draws technical diagram
If I am approx. 6'0", then my legs would calculate to being about 3 1/2 feet long
that leaves 2 1/2 feet of upper body swinging upwards when i sit up.
There is just about 2 ft. 8 inches between my matress and the above bunk, which leaves little room for error if I jump awake...
I happened to be having a random nightmare at this instance so, if you calculate it out, my head would be at just the right angle and height to go "thwack" into the upper bunk...
I got up, and hit my head on the upper bunk...
Massive fail.
SO tired...
But- I can't sleep..
Dont drop those!
~pokes you in the side
> biggrin
~throws pillow at you... again
hua haaa--
-I lost the game-