Dr Kurt

Dr Kurt's avatar

Last Login: 10/13/2023 9:11 am

Registered: 09/18/2007

Gender: Animal

Birthday: 01/21


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Posts per Day: 2.28

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I can be fairly easy to get along with. So send a message I will get back to you eventually xD [within 2-3 days depending on what is going on]
I have my own unique style (like most people do). So just leave a comment or a message if you want to chat.

My entire gaia family (but one) is gone.... help i'd like new friends sweatdrop


View All Comments

Zelos Peace Report | 01/23/2014 9:17 am
I'm sorry D: I was probably at work and didn't notice. Happy belated birthday though!!
daagemaster Report | 01/21/2014 9:00 am
happy birthday to myself xD
DJ Twissta Report | 12/20/2013 10:59 am
No, thank you wink
Merry Christmas!
d-_-b j o s e d-_-b Report | 12/20/2013 10:37 am
Np man
Thnks for your time xD
Sil is Silly Report | 12/19/2013 12:28 pm
Or we can do both. XD However, I shouldn't leave my thread to die, y'know? XD
Sil is Silly Report | 12/19/2013 12:20 pm
20 almost 21 here. XD However, why are we talking across profiles when there's a perfectly good thread falling all the way down page one of the event forums just waiting for us to post? XD
Sil is Silly Report | 12/19/2013 12:18 pm
The name kind of gave me a hint, you guy you. razz
Sil is Silly Report | 12/19/2013 12:15 pm
Aww, thank you. -pretends to blush- You... you're making you blush!
Sil is Silly Report | 12/19/2013 12:12 pm
Sil is Silly Report | 12/19/2013 10:19 am
-climbing in your profile, stalking the stalker-


RIP AB91... I will [b:920867ea07]always[/b:920867ea07] pray try and to remember the good times heart 2/2012 [/align:920867ea07]

Zelos Peace
Fayren Pickpocket

my bro!

daagemaster my 'old' account IS ALIVE =] SOO HAPPY =D

The buddy/cool people list =D Hurray Forums!!!!!!!!![there is no REAL order here xD]
