
Double_feature_show's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Montana

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The truth behind the lumberjack

Hey I'm Kasey. I am from the 4OH!6...BUTTEifull Butte Mt. I play the bass guitar. i listen to allmost all types of music. I have done theater scense the age of as much anymore. I love my freinds and family more then life it's self. I am a wildchild when i want to be. I am the Beer pong master, Yes i live green, and no i am not a nice! My goal in life is to manage music and maybe someday own my own head shop. I am apart of J.A.C.K.K!N and if you dont know what that is then you aren't cool eboughto know.

I am the blond with the goofy smile!



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iNekozawa Report | 02/13/2009 5:11 pm
All right, but that's no reason to send me a valentine saying they suck. wink

iNekozawa Report | 02/13/2009 3:50 pm
Why do you hate RadioHead so much m'dear? D;
Korepino Report | 12/08/2008 7:42 pm
too bad i don't have anyone~
i've been single for quite a while~
i only want to make others happy~
it makes me happy to make other people have~
you can say, i put others before me~
i just hope things go well for you dear~
Korepino Report | 12/08/2008 7:36 pm
ack, well thats life~
they won't kno what they have, until its gone~
well i hope he realizes~
cause i think you deserve to be treated great~
Korepino Report | 12/08/2008 7:29 pm
i lost myself in there~
so i felt like i'd be nice and comment here~
yeh your right, change is usually good~
but either way, i'm sure you'll look great~
who ever has you is lucky~
Porcubot Report | 11/12/2008 5:50 pm
I don't like my birthday. It's too... in the middle of another holiday.

Anyways... I'd better be off to bed. Later. ^^
Porcubot Report | 11/12/2008 5:15 pm

I'm EXACTLY one day older than you! I'll be 18 this year too.
Porcubot Report | 11/12/2008 5:10 pm
Yeah, sure, that sounds great.
First comment by the way.

Also, I do believe we have the same birthday... December 22nd?


Kiss me Deadly
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first off I WILL EAT YOUR PARENTS...Thats is about it


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Thing that intrest my simple mind

Remind me to update my interests.


SO this kid walks up to me and asks."whats punk?" So i kick over a trash can. He then kicks over a trash can and asks"Thats punk?" I replie "no thats trendy"