
Dorky Moof's avatar

Last Login: 12/21/2007 3:18 pm

Registered: 04/20/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Lost w/ you! But w/ you and thats all that matters!


trying everything once, if you don't like it oh well, the least you can say is you've done that, eaten that, or whatever. Overall, experiencing everything is what life is about. Love, hate, likes, dislikes..... its what makes us all human ^^.

French Songs

I found this song while looking up a world of warcraft video. lol. it got stuck in my head so now its on my profile. french pop-singers, they say stuff i can't even begin to comprehend,but its catchy >.


My Wardrobe

Cool stuff huh? i'm wearing muwasa's clothes, she said i looked too newby and lent me some clothing!

Yes, I'm a Guy!!



Well................................ I'm a 16 guy from washington state and i love tacos! i like to hear the complete randomness of other people because its makes for a fun environment! i love making other people laugh biggrin

I'm prolly the biggest nerd on the planet, well maybe. I love playing world of warcraft cause i pwn ^^ lvl 70 hunter pwnage
I've wasted many a day playing that time consuming game... its like crack! I NEED AN INTERVENTION!!!!! ROFL

your like, "Huh?"
i'm like, "I just killed you dead n00b!"
then i run around naked slapping everyone in the face yelling, "PWNED!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!"
this is all ingame of course.....

feel free to quote me, i'm awesome like that, and not the least bit self centered rofl (jk i'm too lazy to be self centered)

Lieing, cheating, stealing, fighting, etc.
slow claps....
doing presentations (unless they're fun)
people who are mean for no apparent reason..
how i make so many typos that i don't catch! hehe

The One who makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside smile
hanging out with firends
utterly chaotic convos that end with something completely different from the starting topic
going on the spinny rides at carnivals then drinking a cup of water.... and i bet you can get the rest :X
playing games for the fun of it with friends

BTW: pm me if you'd like to know me a little better biggrin i'm always up for making new friends as long as you don't interogate me...

and always remember..... FEYR TEH ZOMBEHS!!!!!!
Je t'aime ma copine!!!!!!
trying everything once, if you don't like it oh well, the least you can say is you've done that, eaten that, or whatever. Overall, experiencing everything is what life is about. Love, hate, lies, dislikes..... its what makes us all human ^^


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suwmomo Report | 03/29/2008 11:07 am
Dorky moof where are the tacos!!
suwmomo Report | 03/18/2008 8:32 pm
Go check out my profile. Comment, listen,

look at everything, repeat

Muwasa Report | 09/19/2007 5:10 pm
Ek!! I have a dork of a Moof *huggles* Your the cute-est! ^.^
suwmomo Report | 09/01/2007 11:45 am
Check out my profile....plz!
Muwasa Report | 07/30/2007 4:34 pm
Sweet profile^^

Love you *hugs* ^.^
Dorky Moof Report | 07/29/2007 6:53 pm
HAHA! i knew i'd eventually find someone who didn't like it rofl
suwmomo Report | 07/29/2007 4:50 pm
I hate that song dang it!

I hear it all the darn time.
Dorky Moof Report | 07/22/2007 8:21 pm
OOH! posty like... i'm kinda hyper and lack the brain power to realize this is my profile and i like talking on it and and and and and...... PEWPEWOMFGWTFUBERBBQPWNAGE!!!!! <------ i love saying that rofl
neilson_cotton Report | 06/16/2007 11:48 am
Muwasa Report | 06/05/2007 4:08 pm
You needed a commet!
heart 's