Dorian Wanhope

Dorian Wanhope's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/22/1990

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Hello all who have come to this page in order to find any inkling of who his Wing the Poet person is. Well, first off, my name is Luis. Just to get that out of the way. Now as to get a few things that you might be interested in, "these are a few of my favorite things."(Sound of Music. razz )

Books (I'm a bookworm of sorts):
The Count of Monte Cristo -Alexandre Dumas
Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
Timeline - Michael Crichton
Frankenstien - Mary Shelly
Blasphemy - Douglas Preston
Seven Deadly Wonder - Matthew Reiley
Six Sacred Stones - Matthew Reiley
Showdown - Ted Dekker
Suddenly Last Summer - Tennessee Williams
A Heart is A Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullers
(many more to come)

Movies(I love to watch them):
Party Monster
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Gran Torino
Boondock Saints
Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day
(don't really have too many favs)

Plays(I love theatre);
Macbeth - William Shakespeare
Oedipus Rex - Sophocles
12 Angry Men - Reginald Rose
Reason to be Pretty - Neil Labute

Musicals(Yup, you read right):
Into the Woods - Stephen Sondheim
A Chorus Line - Michael Bennet
Avenue Q
(those are my fav, although I love many)

Music(Bands and Artists):
Frank Sinatra
Michael Buble
Chris Botti
Imogen Heap
(I listen to to alot of music, but these are favs)

That is some good stuff. More to come.


Slowly but, surely the ends of your lips curl up.
Just because of my words.
Warm and whole-heartedly, you embrace me.
I feel my skin tingle and I smile.
I can feel the light feathery-ness of your wings embrace me
and my heart comes to a stop.
An angel in disguise is what you are,
lifting me with you're light.
An angel in this concrete hell. .
Care to see me through?

This is an original drawing. I hope you like it.
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My Poetry and Thoughts and Random Writing. ^_^

If you guys have time and wanna read some stuff. Just read. Hope you likey.


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mule-of-charlie Report | 11/05/2010 10:53 am
Ventilation of the Poet in Words of the World
Wisdom Gubreez Report | 09/18/2010 6:21 pm
Wisdom Gubreez
LUISSSS <3 heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Loveless Poet Crest Report | 08/01/2010 4:51 pm
Loveless Poet Crest
Coolio 3nodding
mr cloudies best friend Report | 05/18/2010 9:27 pm
mr cloudies best friend
Believe me, i babble like crazy, nothing wrong with it. :3

I would like to become an author. Then make some graphic novels on the side. Thats the dream anyway. Writing is another passion of mine. I'd love to make it as a published author. <3
mr cloudies best friend Report | 05/18/2010 7:08 pm
mr cloudies best friend
Thank you so much! n_n

I get inspiration from a lot of things. Mostly music though. When i'm listening to music it all just sort of comes out. I design and create thing in my head and then sometimes it goes down on paper. When i actually make something decent i call it m "art trance" Since i'm completely fixated on it, and my head is completely blank. XD It doesn't always happen, and for every good one there are 10 bad ones. But when the mood is right, i'm in the right state of mind i actually draw things that i think are ok.
Zed Millar Report | 05/10/2010 9:44 pm
Zed Millar
Thats pretty cool. <3
Inigin Report | 05/02/2010 11:23 pm
hey hows it going?
Zed Millar Report | 04/29/2010 1:20 pm
Zed Millar
Puck? XD
Zed Millar Report | 04/23/2010 3:54 pm
Zed Millar
Lol. crying Sowwy for bein late to wish you happy birfdayz...

*plays with your kitty*
Zed Millar Report | 04/23/2010 12:20 pm
Zed Millar
Happy belated birthday, boiyo.


Sometimes you gotta be a freak.
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Written by innocent. Amazing.

*pounces* ^_^