

I do not fight
I do not want to fight
If you do something I don't want to do, I will vocalize it and try to talk it out with you
If you do not back off, depending on what the offense is, I will either:
A) Leave
B) Block you
Please don't take that as I am unwilling to reason. But if you really want to have an antagonistic relationship with my character, please PM me and we can work it out to have an understanding.

Name: Donaugh the Shifted, spawn of Darmith the Ice Singer and Misroth the Scarred

Aliases: Don, Donny, Donut, Donargh, Donner

Age: 50
Birthday: July 20th 1969

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 160

Species: Starfallen (Dragon)

Appearance: That of a small Elven woman will well kept short white hair and ice blue eyes. Her skin is fair with the slightest shimmer in the right lighting. She is short in stature with a round face, large hips, and large chest as well.

Bio: Born as the runt of a clutch, she was given a humanoid form by her father, Misroth the Scarred. This allowed her to evade the fate of most runts (as their broodmates' first meal) and begin her own journey into maturity. Removed from the nest and given a den and small hoard of her own, she spent her first 40 years of life leading a peaceful existence with her treasure and love for the stars. With time she grew restless and bored of the cave and began taking trips, traveling out of her Tundra homeland to see mountains and forests, but always returning to her den before long. It wasn't until a chance run-in with a few strikingly odd individuals that a sense of longing for attention and company finally arose in her among the usual desires of her kin.
A few more meetings with strangers and it was settled. She would live among people, gathering knowledge (and trinkets) of the world beyond the snowy wastes.

Donny now lives in a city working in the shop owned by her husband and assisting him with the duties and responsibilities of running the place. She also uses this as the hub for her own business dealing in practical spells and potions. While she keeps a stock of simple things, i.e. for cleaning or even speedy appearance changes, she can be commissioned to do customized and more elaborate things for a respectable fee.

Personality: Her adjustment to human society was rapid, and while she now has a good grasp on many things, some things do still get lost in translation, ending up with her being frustrated. She is bottom line, still a dragon, leading to her having a large ego and a powerful drive to get what she desires. She loves compliments and gifts, and will cherish anything given to her as a special part of her hoard.

Quirks: Specifically hoards white and silver metals and light colored gems. Also hoards books, dresses, and fancy panties. She loves music and baking and while she hates to be told she is kind or nice, she is always very happy to share the food she has and makes.

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