2weet! ii miight do that two, then.
ii remember there beiing other game2 for the 3D2 that ii wa2 iintere2ted iin, though ii don't remember whiich one2 now. ii'm 2ure iit'd be a good iidea two get one at 2ome poiint.
ugh, wii2h ii could, but ii don't have eiither of tho2e con2ole2 OR the money two buy them.
though ii thought ii 2aw recently that the 3D2 wa2 liike a hundred buck2 2o maybe ii'll 2ave up for that.
ugh, yeah, tell me about iit. everythiing 2eem2 2o iimpo22iible two acquiire, and yet when ii actually HAVE enough for anythiing ii almo2t kiinda feel wor2e about iit.
liike holy 2hiit ii wa2 never meant two have thii2 much gold, and thii2 2houldn't co2t thii2 much. ju2t eugh.
ugh yeah exactly. ii don't miind them at the end portal2 2iince they're from 2pawner2, but when they ju2t pop out of 2tone wiilly niilly, ju2t. eugh. no.
yeah, kk and ii 2tarted miiniing iin extreme hiill2 two fiind them once we found out. the 2iilverfii2h around tho2e part2 are iirriitatiing a2 all ********]
:33 < *ac apurroaches dj kyzumi joyfully, galloping on her paws and gently headbutting them lovingly*
:33 < *she then drops a piece of her latest prey at their f33t as a not only a gr33ting but also a thank you*
:33 < thank you for the furend request! :33
ah, ii 2ee. the only one ii've 2een gameplay of ii2 mon2ter hunter 3 on the wiiii.
and ugh, yeah iit really ii2 addiictiing. ii run a local lan world for my friiend2 and iinviited them all two buiild hiive2 on iit and miine for 2hiit and all that. keepiing track of them all ii2 a proce22 of iit2 own.
2earchiing the world over for emerald2 ii2 pretty addiictiing two, eheh.
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ii remember there beiing other game2 for the 3D2 that ii wa2 iintere2ted iin, though ii don't remember whiich one2 now. ii'm 2ure iit'd be a good iidea two get one at 2ome poiint.
though ii thought ii 2aw recently that the 3D2 wa2 liike a hundred buck2 2o maybe ii'll 2ave up for that.
what about you? are you gettiing eiither of them?
ii really am prediictable, huh.
yeah, though. really contradiictiing feeliing2 about iit.
liike holy 2hiit ii wa2 never meant two have thii2 much gold, and thii2 2houldn't co2t thii2 much. ju2t eugh.
:33 < *she then drops a piece of her latest prey at their f33t as a not only a gr33ting but also a thank you*
:33 < thank you for the furend request! :33
and ugh, yeah iit really ii2 addiictiing. ii run a local lan world for my friiend2 and iinviited them all two buiild hiive2 on iit and miine for 2hiit and all that. keepiing track of them all ii2 a proce22 of iit2 own.
2earchiing the world over for emerald2 ii2 pretty addiictiing two, eheh.