Information on Ms. Darkside:
Name changed once again! At first I was Aeoess, then Midian Darkside, now I am Devi Darkside! Yay!
So I guess here's the part where I write about myself a bit. I call myself Devi Darkside, and unless I know you, or like you at all you won't know my real name (Besides I prefer this name anyway).
And since people like to ask I am a transwoman (pre op), and I like to think I'm pretty awesome.
I'm mostly on Gaia to play rally, relax and joke around and talk to people.
However if
You're annoying and I won't want to talk to you, and I also use correct spelling (Though on occasion I'm a queen of typos), along with complete sentences as well, and if you don't I recommend trying it sometime so you don't sound like a complete moron; in other words spell stuff out, don't overdue the caps/leave "caps lock" on, leave out the 1337 and text speak and don't abuse the enter button and I'll listen to you.
Ultimately I just enjoy the company of good, open minded people who don't mind either a good serious conversation or a lot of good laughs. Also if you're kind to me I'll be kind to you, the reverse also holds true.
My hobbies include video gaming, listening and attempting to create music, drawing and writing comics (Working on a few series now), and finding beauty in almost everything.
And lastly if you want to add me as a friend please send me private messages before and after the request so I'll remember you. And please at least talk to me a little before sending a request, I don't add people who just want to add a name to their list.
If you want to know more or just want to talk feel free to send me a message; I love random and not so random messages on occasion.
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