
Dethwanderer's avatar

Birthday: 04/10


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S-Lorn Report | 11/09/2009 11:28 pm
Hi new friend.
Soooo hmmm which thread did we meet in ^^
Miss McNinja Report | 11/06/2009 8:08 pm
Miss McNinja
yeah lol, though I don't use them alot of the time due to my laptop being a major lagfest. XD

Skype: Tornlikesmudkips

don't ask... I always have bizzare usernames. D:
Miss McNinja Report | 11/06/2009 7:51 pm
Miss McNinja
Guns depend on the situation, if they're close range, and you're quick enough, then disarming them is totally possible if you've got sharp wits about you.
If they're a few feet away though, you're most likely ********. XD

Yeouch.. Perhaps that's a bit far to go pee on them. XDDDD
Miss McNinja Report | 11/06/2009 7:33 pm
Miss McNinja
I have to say, robbing a girl is way low. But alot of people are like that nowadays. Sigh.
Though I gotta say, there's nothing like smashing your fist into the face of assholes. Sometimes they just deserve it.

That's kind of why I took jujitsu up in the first place, to keep idiots like that from threatening me.
We're even taught to stick our fingers in their eyes, burst their eardums by clapping your palms against their ears, or pulling them back by the nose by shoving your fingers up there and ripping it backwards.
Though, that's only if they start to get out of hand, or if they're carrying a dangerous weapon. Usually just doing a throw, followed by a lock will do the trick. If need be, take the lock one step further and break a limb. Punching someone straight in the nose seems to do the trick, too. The nose is way sensitive. XD
I'm somewhat glad I know how to disarm knives, else I'd be terrified travelling alone. OTL

We have to be careful nowadays though. If you're skilled your assailant can also get you into trouble. :/ Reasonable force and all that. So really we can only ever do the stuff above if we're going to die, if we're majorly outnumbered (In which case break one person, and ******** run) or if they have a dangerous weapon in their possession. XD

Sorry, I got carried away there.. owo;
Fuzzy Machine Guns Report | 11/06/2009 7:17 pm
Fuzzy Machine Guns
nope. just ps3
Miss McNinja Report | 11/06/2009 7:15 pm
Miss McNinja
Socked a guy in the face who demanded that I hand him my PSP. He ran off crying. xD Though I don't generally attract alot of attention.

But when I do, apparently I'm like a pissed off cat. D:

Jujitsu is good for small people like me, it uses other peoples' weight and momentum against them. Not to mention the amount of locks and holds that you learn.
Miss McNinja Report | 11/06/2009 7:04 pm
Miss McNinja
Not so much, it's one of the black belts at my Jujitsu class. c:
He's a good buddy of mine, and he deserves epic drawings of lulz and win. XD
Miss McNinja Report | 11/06/2009 5:36 pm
Miss McNinja
Sorry, I'm somewhat rushing to get a birthday present done for somebody.. So I have all of my tabs open, but I'm not really using them.

Perthyn i r Angerdd Report | 11/06/2009 3:11 pm
Perthyn i r Angerdd
Aw, cool, I'm always playing Rpg's, adventures or survival horror, but I'll really play anything, haha, apart from something I couldn't find in shops or something. The Siren games excluded from that. :p

Yeah btw, I got msn, it's
Perthyn i r Angerdd Report | 11/06/2009 2:52 pm
Perthyn i r Angerdd
Oh yeah, that reminds me, a lot of girls here are kind of dumb...Or too posh. surprised

But, yeah, I tend to give any game a try to be honest, I don't really have any favourites, I just rarely play racing games/well CoD...Hehe. What about you?



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