Detective Graham

Detective Graham's avatar

Birthday: 09/26


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Axel_ron Report | 09/09/2009 9:48 pm
me too its coll that i made the top ten and better yet the top 3 ^_^ i might re-enter. i wanna be like deazy or lady rat biggrin if you know who they re.
Axel_ron Report | 09/08/2009 9:42 pm
haha good question. It was actually trying to figure out how to dress my avid up and I just got a fallen wish like a month before. As I was looking through the options if fallen wish, I stumbled upon the dragon you see at the arenas. I told my self what an ugly dragon/ feature. And I told myself that no one would use is for anything maybe A few in the arenas. So I decided to make something out of it. I thought of Mulan and dbz but it dent fit. So u thought of what makes a white dragon that has a rider? Then the neverwbding idea came to mind but the boy was too plain and it didn't really catch my attention. So that's when I thought of peter and well it just fit and I did think it was gonna be successful but not to this height xp . Yeah and now people are commenting / pming / adding like crazy and I really do like it. Placing was one of my impossible list to do on Gaia and it finally came true . So were you the one who answered my Q at the Q&A or were you so happen to just glance at it?
Axel_ron Report | 09/07/2009 2:12 pm
Haha yep that was me. It was a last minute thing I didn't wanna forget about that idea. I didn't even think of making it this far. Glad you remembered^^



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