Hello! I am Moira but you can call me Moi-moi! I mostly am ether on gaia, playing games, or doing stuff my dad tells me to do. I am going into 9th grade but that's because I was put in Kindergarten late. I am a nerdfighter and I love to watch Anime and read manga. I'm in the school play, not a lead but not tiny ether. People ask this so I'll say it here, I don't look like my avie. Oh, I don't ch@t SpEK or L33t when I can. Sometimes I speak it when I'm in a hurry but not normally. I love random PMs too! Please if you are in the SCA or are a nerdfghter PM me! I love people I can relate to!
Just some stuff to share
My rantings and ravings of life... or just what ever's on my mind.
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