
dereklong's avatar

Last Login: 02/14/2020 8:58 pm

Registered: 06/01/2007

Gender: Male

Location: Utah

Birthday: 03/20/1992

Occupation: bicycle fixing


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Total Posts: 1

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Wild Baby Panda Report | 07/21/2009 6:09 pm
Yeah. Um. . . do you want to play this online game with me? It's called WonderKing, but you will need a key to play it though. I'll send you the site of the KEY if you're going to join the game. Um. . . just to make sure if you're interest of it. Maybe you should look at the video about the game before you decided to join it.
Wild Baby Panda Report | 07/10/2009 2:22 pm
That's good. . . so you just stay home and relax?
Wild Baby Panda Report | 07/09/2009 6:43 pm
No problem! Um, do you have summer school?
isuckyomamaballs Report | 07/03/2009 8:31 pm
wow.... never should have trusted him huh?
isuckyomamaballs Report | 07/03/2009 8:30 pm
isuckyomamaballs Report | 07/03/2009 8:28 pm
he persuaded u 2 use it?
isuckyomamaballs Report | 07/03/2009 8:24 pm
dats good... bored
NataaniChan Report | 06/30/2009 9:55 pm
Thanks for buying from my store!
katamaya Report | 06/29/2009 3:07 pm
thanks for purchasing
yuuki01 Report | 06/29/2009 8:56 am
thanks for the buy and cool avi


Im a average teenager that loves the girls and has fun fixing stuff and making stuff and like a machanic . i also have my own bussiness selling duct tape wallet. i started selling stuff like drawings of stuff like pokemon and yughio at age 6 and then origmy ( i know i spelled it wrong) and now bikes and wallets.
i started play percusion instrements before i could walk (drum kit) then when my mom and dad got devoreced when i was 4 my dad had the drum kit for hummmm about 8years and wheni was in a band for a 2 years named blog 52 then you me and my guitar but we broke up cuase 1st our rythem guitarest wasnt keeping up with our music taste 2nd we had no bassest 3rd alot of kids at our school where making fun of us(most were in other bands that suck but they were popular kids in school and so they had support and some were drugesso there stupid for doing that too) .
im still playing but i have to have my old lead play guitar jam with me so its still cool.
i have stolen but i dont any more that was when i was 11 so i was stupid and was found out at smiths steal yughio cards (dumb reason to steal dont you think) mom payed $254 dollars and i payed her the money back in 2 years then me and my old best friend (he was a real dush bag he would make me do anything or if he couldnt he would do it him self to get his way and fill my head up with lies the make me belive that crap like vimpires were real dont get me wrong that would be cool but its not posible or real so that was stupid and wrong of him and he got me in to really bad habites too!, so let me continue ) so we walked and he live by a couple of apartments and he had a bebe gun and we played with in a junk yard and shot some stuff and then he get the great idea oh hay guys lets sit here and shot some windows and we all took turns shoting so then i dont know what i was thinking but i took it pointed it at a door window polled the triger and let go and the next thing i now im siting with camo shirt on and the guy dosent see me but he sees him and his friend so i ask you guys want to run and so i ran and i hide and so i come out so i got to them ( this is after 30 min and his faimly is searching for me so i come out and report my self and im driven home in a police car so the consiler gave me 40 hours of comnity severs which was fun but they didnt have to do any thing and the next time i come over after a year i relized he is a duch bag so i stoped hagging with him and that has been 2 years from now so im perfect but 2 things. but im out of the hole i dug my self and building a sky scrapper he he .
some things i like are sushi is my favorite food pizza water
biking skating playing games and xbox 360 plus gaia i didnt blay it form years but i play it again so there is a story of my life.
Wild Baby Panda

a..... i'm scard a... chase is big ill be running in a sec.

grrr chase smashy smashy eli grrr

ha ha the ninjas win , chase crush ely, ummm now we can eat our sushi to gether ummm

Aww. . . You're so sweet! Thanks for the gifts, cutie

My Birth Day Is 08/12/1994 not 03/20/1992