

Mytho is a member of the senior class at Kinkan Academy. He is a very talented dancer, with many admirers, but is hardly the most social of the students. Mytho is always in the company of either his girlfriend, Rue, or his best friend, Fakir; when he sneaks off on his own, he tends to attract trouble. Ahiru is instantly smitten with him and resolves to do something about his loneliness.
In actuality, Mytho is a character from a fairy tale: the prince in the Prince and the Raven. He is said to have loved everyone and been loved by everyone, but the size of his heart attracted demonic ravens to his kingdom. When the Prince and the Raven met in combat, he couldn't stop it, so instead Mytho pierced his heart with a holy sword. This sealed the Raven away, but robbed Mytho of his emotions and memories, leaving him to aimlessly wander Kinkan Town.
Thanks to Ahiru becoming Princess Tutu and returning the pieces of his heart, Mytho slowly begins returning to his original self. After he receives the heart shard of love, his heart his ripped out by Princess Kraehe, turning him dormant once more. Princess Tutu's dancing awakens his protective instinct, and he chooses her for the night, allowing him to regain the other emotions; unbeknown to both of them, Kraehe had soaked the love piece in the Raven's blood.
After this, Mytho's heart becomes corrupted, and he begins seeking out pure-hearted people to sacrifice to the Raven. He turns vicious and psychotic, abusing Rue, taunting Fakir, and playing with the feelings of everyone in the city. While he is thwarted at every attempt, and is given back even more heart shards, the spell over him reaches a peak and he is transformed into a giant raven. Rue's words of love turn him back before he can sacrifice himself, and after Tutu gives him the final emotion, he becomes the Prince again.
Using his powers to hold off the brainwashed townspeople and attack the Raven, he rescues Rue and promises to make her his princess. After this, he leaves Kinkan Town and returns to the world inside the story. Mytho's real name is revealed to be Siegfried, taken from the male lead in Swan Lake.)