Read The Awesomeness Of Me
I'm a Dragonborn, here me SHOUT!!!!I LOVE SKYRIM!!!!!!!! <3 and Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning and DragonAge one and two OWO
I LOVE Every Assassin's Creed game =w=
My Favorite Food right now is SideKick * Harvest Chicken*
And also the Chicken mini's from Tim Hortons =w=
( the BBQ ones ) owo
I Love Cicero from Skyrim because he makes me laugh in skyrim
He says to the man, that's not a horker, that's my wife
- From Cicero
I'm a huge Tales of Vesperia fan and a whole bunch of other stuff OWO
I love to cook
I was born in the year of the DRAGON OWO YAYZ for DRAGONS owo
I'm a collector of movies ( both anime and non anime )
I'm a collector of anything and everything to do with anime and manga
I love Horror movies ( in my non-anime pile)
I Play the Xbox 360/ Nintendo 3DS/ PS4 and the PS2/PSP
My favorite games right now is Skyrim and Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning
Fallout 4, Borderlands the handsome collection
I love Stephen King Novels and Movies
I love covering my ceiling in posters
I have to read at least one fanfiction story a day
I LOVE my iphone OWO
My favorite fanfiction site is
plus i love
I Love reading Webcomics
I could not live without my Tablet
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