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Demon-senpai's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: right next to you...

Birthday: 07/04/1995

Occupation: randomness


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About Demon-senpai

Name: Demon-senpai
Age: 14
Location: California
Hobby: Making Comics
Kind of art: Comics
Style: Adventure, Comedy
When I want to make comics: WHEN I WANT TO D<

Thank you Aninaka for the art biggrin
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Rock divine



funniest naruto flash ever XD

cute XD


View All Comments

The Puppeteer ArtisticMii Report | 05/27/2013 7:03 pm
The Puppeteer ArtisticMii
your art style is so cute!
Awe Snap Report | 07/04/2012 1:13 pm
Awe Snap
HAIIII demon i know you prolly dont get on anymore but happy birthday!! :] heart
darkxx alen-san xxdark Report | 07/04/2011 8:53 am
darkxx alen-san xxdark
Happy birthday i got you the best present ever...nothing
Anin Meister Report | 04/01/2011 1:31 am
Anin Meister
Hi long time no see, it's me Aninaka
I Kim Jonghyun I Report | 01/01/2011 2:22 pm
I Kim Jonghyun I
Yo what up xD?
darkxx alen-san xxdark Report | 12/31/2010 12:59 pm
darkxx alen-san xxdark
yo demon
Tabris Macbeth Report | 12/21/2010 11:19 pm
Tabris Macbeth
Hey, think some guy is posing as you to evade a ban on my forum. He's using your name and drawing, and his address is jfrogmobile(at)gmail(dot)com. If you ARE this guy, drop me a line here to confirm you aren't the same nutjob I banned.

Bo Banner 246 Report | 10/19/2010 2:35 pm
Bo Banner 246

a world
a world a world
a world of the new
a world of the same
a world of hate
a world of conflict
a world made of monsters
a world made of beauties
a world a world
a world so big
a world so small
a world of love
a world of friends
a world of the creative
a world of the dull
a world of hurt
a world of pain
a world a world
a world of souls
a world of nothing
a world of emptiness
a world of everything
A world that we can somehow call our own......................
Inappropriate Username Report | 10/15/2010 9:27 pm
Inappropriate Username
darkxx alen-san xxdark Report | 10/01/2010 3:44 pm
darkxx alen-san xxdark
get on all ready!