
My name is Daniel.My nick name is Death.If your smart you won't ask how I got that nickname. >=) I'm a goth.If u want to know what i look like.It's in my journal.But to veiw that your gonna have to be on my friends list.Anyway I got the GREATEST Gf Ever.I love her more then anything in this entire world.She means everything to me.Everyday I love her more and more.I don't know what I would do without her.
I would risk my own life for her.I'm willing to do anything it takes to keep her safe.I don't care if I lose my own life.I don't really care what happen's to me, As long as shes safe.I just want her to be safe.Even if it cost's me my life.I'm willing to risk it all just to keep her safe and happy.That's how much I love her.And everyday i love her more and more.Anyway her name is Patricia.She's a goth like me.Her nickname is Sissy or as I would say My Sex Slave.The point to that is she answers to it.I would know >=) Lol.Well now on to my friend and her bf.Cause i said more info about it in my about me.Well Anyway Christine is a very good friend of mine.I've Known her since she was little.So if you want some dirt on her, I got some real good dirt on her >=) lol. Jk.Anyway Her Nickname is Wolves.Her bfs name is Austin.His nickname use to be It(Patriia gave that one to him),But Christine changed it to Zero.Well on to my brother.He has a gaia but he dont get on much as you can see.Lol.He can be very annoying sometimes.But that's what brother's are for.Lol.He's very nice.When he wants to be.Lol.Well If you want to know what he look's like.He's under my pic in my journal.Well That's all I'm typing.Want to know more just ask.Bye