Hello, my name is Ace Walice. I know it sounds like a boy name, but I'm here to tell you that I am indeed a female named Ace. Some of my friends even call me Alice and you can freely can me both.I hope we can become great friends someday and if you dislike me, than it's your lose, sucker. xp
My favorite thing to do is write a story or draw. I love to watch anime and it doesn't matter what kind.
* Romance
*Humor and many more.
My all time favorite is Naruto and my favorite character is Sakura Haruno and if you don't like her than we might not get along, evil but I would like to try. 4laugh
I'm also a girl who loves to ask questions so sorry if I ask you too many.
Oopps, I forgot to tell you that I'm 15 going on 16. I'm the middle child out of 5 and live with my mother only. My father is on the run from the law for doing sexual and abusive things to me and my siblings. With that said I might as well say I do have some trust issues.
That's all I'll put for now. heart heart heart heart Have a good day!!!!