
My avatar's name is luna, my name is nick. Some people know me as, yugioh kid 2, others say...Roy Mustang, while only a few know me as...Bubba. Nevertheless i am a open person who can solve any problem with the heart. I feel the the biggest problem in ourselves is that we are not honest when we need to be. Send me a PM with your problem and i will gladly fix it or give you advice. I am very wise when it comes to relationships as in dating, please send me and i will oblige.


Viewing 6 of 6 friends


The Heart Never Dies...

My heart, my soul, and my love goes into this journel...whatever i feel i write it down in the form of a poem or story. I also am telling the tale of my teenage years in the form of a parody. I give my most heartfelt condolences to all who are hurt



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/25/2006 11:30 am


Hells yeah! I will own your a**, Nick! And then put a "KICK ME" sign on it.

Report | 08/23/2006 11:09 am


NO, just a friendly dose of competition. Cant you handle it?

Report | 08/20/2006 6:10 pm


Hey! you started an advice thing in your journal too!!! What are you doing? Homing in on my territory?

Report | 08/20/2006 5:51 pm


School starts in ONE week, Nick, not two. And I didn't know that! What happened?

Report | 08/17/2006 8:39 pm


Yea, it was cool but i dont think it followed the DnD feel. It is an art to get that DnD feeling to a movie, cause it is hard to portray haahaa...Nice to see you too angie. School starts in 2 weeks don't it? More classes and i get to talk to Mr. Smutzler who now thinks i am gay did you know that?

Report | 08/17/2006 5:21 pm


Great Dungeons and Dragons reference on your speech bubble. I saw a D&D movie on Sci Fi channel last week. It was pretty good! Did anyone else see it?

Report | 08/17/2006 5:18 pm


Yay! Nick is back from the dead! Me too!
Angie wishes to have a party on Nick's profile! *does a dance*

Report | 08/14/2006 9:46 pm


Snafoogie is a term that is deragatory to "cheating" pudding means men or women that are on the side like an affair. My last ex girlfriend had me worried all the time cause we were planning a long distance relationship, and Angie had to calm me down, so we didn't say Cheating...we said "pudding on the side"...now we say snafoogie. Kiki, never have snafoogie with any of your boyfriends...or i will personally duck tape his heart for you, and then laungh a piece of shrapnal through your brain K?....Snafoogie really hurts.

Report | 08/02/2006 3:18 pm


*laughs* Ahh, I think I'll just continue with my disrespect and evade both gil and your plank for as long as I can. And if all else fails, I guess I'll use my patented fish-slap to make you bleed. Or at least make your face sting pretty good. You gotta snap your hand if you want it to sting! 3nodding Anyways, I don't mind getting heckled on my profile at all. In fact I'm sorry about not being on last night, my sister was attached to the computer. Que sera, sera, I suppose.

Report | 07/30/2006 11:07 am


Snafoogie? I have a feeling that I must have missed something. Oh well. :]


"Panties are not the best thing in the world but they are pretty close to it!'

-Jerry "The King" (WWE Raw)