
Daylo305's avatar

Birthday: 09/05


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emilys20 Report | 06/28/2010 9:34 am
I am not a ho!!! b*****d!
SeptemberMama Report | 09/08/2008 3:56 pm
o ok
SeptemberMama Report | 09/07/2008 10:19 am
wat u mean u miss me : }
SeptemberMama Report | 09/04/2008 4:11 pm
happy bday
pickel person 17 Report | 09/04/2008 4:30 am
pickel person 17
jus stopped by 2 say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! xD
SEXIEST GURL U EVER SEEN Report | 06/27/2008 10:37 pm
If you like me (as a friend or more) you'll read the whole thing. What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness? What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life. I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends, no matter how often you talk, or how close you are, and send it to the person who sent it to you. Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them, and tell new friends you never will. Remember, everyone needs a friend. dont ever leave the one you love for the one u like, because the one you like will leave you for the one they love. tonite your true love will realize how much they love you between 1 and 4 in the morning. tomorrow the shock of your life will occur if you break the chain. you will have bad luck for 10 years, if you don't pass this on to 15 people. if you get this it means the person who sent it truly cares about you........
squishy77 Report | 06/20/2008 12:14 pm
Girl Slow down, I'm scared. Guy No, this is fun. Girl No it's not. Please it's too scary! Guy Then tell me you love me. Girl Fine I love you. Slow down! Guy Now give me a BIG hug. Girl hugs him Guy Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me. (in the paper the next day) A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die. If u love any one this much...let them know...before its too late... I love you more than a friend..... Send this to 10 ppl in the next 5 min....and....u will get kissed on friday by the love of your life.... DONT BREAK THIS . 2morow will be the best day of your life. However, if u don t send this 2 @ least 10 ppl by at least 1200 2nite u will have bad luck in your love life 4 the rest of your life
Daylo305 Report | 06/11/2008 5:05 pm
dam miami is wats up! hit the beach and talk to girls



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