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Sythis5 Report | 03/02/2009 1:56 pm
Ohh! Sorry about that. Ima take it out right this minute. I havent been on the profile for a while. Kinda forgot it was there.
Sythis5 Report | 02/27/2009 3:11 pm
What do you mean proves so much?
AnimePrincess134 Report | 02/16/2009 6:58 am
hmmm i think i do...i don't remember...
Maxy Lush Report | 02/04/2009 3:26 pm
Maxy Lush
tank coo vury murch
Sythis5 Report | 01/25/2009 9:14 pm
Even here things have changed....
Miss unperfection Report | 12/27/2008 9:33 am
Miss unperfection
ILY 2 TWINNNERZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUCHOZ !!!!
Makeshift Molly Report | 11/29/2008 12:03 pm
Makeshift Molly
clockworc Report | 11/29/2008 10:54 am
Hey thanks ^^ Your's is so cute =D I love the red hair!
Veronica_Valentine Report | 11/17/2008 8:32 pm
thank you :3
Sythis5 Report | 11/08/2008 12:14 pm
Love you to! and your welcome!

Princess Unknown

DaUnkn0wnPrincess's avatar

Mii Muziq

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Bout Me

Mii name iz Maggie aka Sniffleszx tha reason y i got dat name iz b/c i tend 2 sniff ppl wen they smell go0d weird huh =3, I'm 17 yrz old, I'm fm Ny, I'm a Libra. I'm da type who HATES love ok it duzn't flow in mii lyfe. I'm a HUGE Paramore fan! I love them there so0o0o0o0 ko0l =] I'm da type who loves Rock, I'm 0h So weird, strange, funny and proud =D

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