
About me:
I'm a 15 year old Aussie. I do not ride a kangaroo to school. I am a music nerd; although i only play one musical instrument, I have alway got a band seven mark in music and i understand most concepts. I also enjoy reading, my current favorite author is Anthony Eaton. He has such good books
I am also in love with doctor who (hence the name, i think david tennant is the best, followed by Tom Baker. Matt Smith looks good. The weeping angels scare me)
I only really follow one sport, the AFL. I barrack for the demons, who do not suck this year as much as they did last year, although they still get their buts kicked, it is not as bad as before.
My current favorite quotes;
"The Americans call it survivor. We call it camping"
"'We have spiders, and snakes, and crocodiles and sharks!' 'But they have bears!"
"hurdy gurdy"

daughter of gallifrey

daughter of gallifrey's avatar

Birthday: 02/03


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Sarah-J-Smith Report | 02/19/2012 4:23 pm
Just wanted to say hello from one Whovian to another and nice profile smile
Sarah-J-Smith Report | 10/19/2011 7:54 pm
Just wanted to say hello from one Whovian to another! Great job on your profile and avi ^^
miridian line Report | 11/28/2010 12:30 am
miridian line
Wanna do Emily in our RP?
thegirldoctor_rules67 Report | 07/15/2010 7:33 am
thz like urs too
Ameria S Report | 06/22/2010 3:42 am
Ameria S
Imaginary Friend item. Is it not glorious?
oneill156 Report | 06/17/2010 1:48 am
Oh hi tash sorry thought it was you, guess i should of read my mail first hahahaha ^^
Yep DOE soon can't wait
oneill156 Report | 06/17/2010 1:46 am
I there do i know you......
like in real life and stuff cause you famillar
i won't name just in case im wrong
Complex_Persona Report | 05/09/2010 11:24 pm
What can I say... we don't carry all those fancy terms that you Australians have!

And that was a pretty simple summary of Australian history right there, heck, more than I have ever known, that's for sure!

I will most certainly try my best to try the yogurt one day. Some way, some how!

Canada is not always that cold, but I guess if she has only ever lived in Australia her whole life, then yes, it would seem rather cold to her. And no, I have not seen a bear in MY backyard, but I have seen them in other people's backyards, including my aunts. As long as you don't bug them, then they will not bug you.

So, how was your day today?

Hope to hear from you soon!
Complex_Persona Report | 05/08/2010 10:45 pm
Air guitar is fantastic!

And I am glad to finally understand what a "pom" is, because we certainly do not have that expression in Canada, at least as far as I know...

I have heard that while it is a bit... concerning, it is still a wonderfully written book and one that is highly regarded by all of its readers!

I am sorry that you don't have the most desirable history project, but at least you are getting to learn about your past, right? It can't be all that bad?

And that yogurt sounds absolutely DELICIOUS!!! I will definitely have to try it some time. The next time I am in Australia I guess.

Well you are certainly having more than a weekend than I am having. I have only one more day left before I head back to school for the summer, so not much of a holiday for me! And winter sounds like Vancouver all year round razz Though it probably is much nicer down there. I have always imagined Australia as being this very beautiful place... I mean, some of the most beautiful women come from that country as well!

Alas, I do hope that you are enjoying the last of your weekend and I hope to hear from you soon! Take care!
Complex_Persona Report | 05/08/2010 10:09 am
My goodness, well I am not so surprised to hear that guys half a world over are still like guys in Canada when it comes to high school dances... sorry that you had to put up with that. But, the air guitar does sound pretty awesome!

Ah, well if you get the chance to, it is worth a try. And yes, I do love yogurt, quite a lot actually! Strawberry Banana is my favourite! And what are "poms"?

Well I am quite enjoying the book, and I have heard that the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is quite the astounding book. When I worked in a bookstore, I'd have customers telling me that all the time. Maybe I should give it a read next (when I have the time of course)

I am doing well. Just enjoying the last few days of my summer break before I head back into school for the summer. Hopefully it'll be a fun weekend. And how about yourself? Any plans for the weekend?


Trust me, I'm the Doctor

We're three million years into deep space, so someone answer me this. Where the smeg did I get a traffic cone?

You're Mr. Thick thick thickedy thick face from thick town, thicania. And so'd your dad!

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt like elderberries!

Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks 'ooh, this could be a little more sonic!'


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The Daughter of Gallifrey; Romana II

The Daughter of Gallifrey; Romana II