
hi my name is sam`
iLike to keep things simple
like u can see right here`
nothing but a piece of sh#t`
or u could sai in english; writing`

iLike food of all sorts`
well i guess most`
but you get the f#cking point dont u`

iLike to play g4m3z cauze i am 1337`
doesnt hurt any0ne does it?`
maybe ur eyes but dw about that`

iLike coke`
its very addicting`
i cant stop drinking it`
someone help me stop my addiction pls`
thank you!

cyber bullying is a bad thing`
on friday 27th 2009`
a 17 year old boy`
had suicided for the reason`
of being cyber bullied`
u could kill people just`
by saying bad things on the internet`

iWant an iTouch`
iWant a cool avatar`
sadly s0m3 b#tch called 4NDI`
stole my clothes and money >:l`

Bibi, hopez fo nyc dai`
- throwz viruses at ur face -