
DarkSav1or's avatar

Birthday: 06/12


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Sup guys, Nate here for the first time trying out gaia for a while. So far havin' a blast, if you feel lke helpin' out a newbie or need help yourself and would trust your gaia life on the hands of another newbie feel free to leave a comment or a private message! C ya around fellow 18 year old buds, and all other ages of course wink

Favorite Anime---> Devil May Cry / Final Fantasy Games and the movie / DN angel / Vampire Knight / Inuyasha / and more...

Favorite Regular Films------> Resident Evil (mostly the games) / Dude wheres my car (always lke ashton for some reason) / pretty much almost anything with Rachel Weisz, Johnny Depp, and/or Hugh Jackman / Coraline / The Lion King / And Finding Nemo

Jenn....*day dreams*

This entire content is totally and fully dedicated to the girl of my dreams.....met this girl like 3 years ago and yet it feels like i've known her my whole life.

I know, i know, every teenager goes through some thing where they "fall in love" and they will most likely fall out of love soon. its just a thing teenagers do....but not me, not this; ive seen enough to knoe real love from lust, or puppy love and this...isnt that.

We've made it through so much, and yeah a year and half doesnt seem like much, but its perfect! cause it means this is the beginning, us starting out! and i love it, i love her, i love our problems, the stupid things we fight about. i love that no matter how far away from each other we walk, we always come back to the other.

Shes everything...all that I have, and I can't imagine waking up without her in my life, in my heart. She is what keeps me alive, my heart beating...Jenn I love you forever always...

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