Hi C:
czarina | 17 | chicago, IL | taken
I have no regrets. Everything that has happened to me in these seventeen years, happened for a reason. Every bit of hapiness.. every bit of sadness.. excitement, confusion, depression, love, heartbreak.. it was meant to be. I'm glad I got to experience all that has happen to me. It's better to have experience than none at all. So no matter how happy I'll be.. no matter how hard I will fall..
I'll still be standing in the end.
hello! get to know me (:
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but it also depends on how high it is
and how safe it is to be up there razz
but no worries, you'll get over it soon wink
so six flags never happened
since its raining a lot this week.
but its all good smile
i'm not a big fan of rollercoasters anyway XP
might be heading for six flags this week.
not sure yet razz
how about you?
me? i live in good ol' georgia
born and raised there.
but i moved to america in 2001.
i really miss thailand sad
the food, the night life, the tuk tuks, and of course SHOPPING!
i'm from thailand
what about you?
i stopped for a bit
but now i'm starting back up on gaia
mine's good, but haven't been anywhere.
whatta waste T-T
first off, i'm sarah.
and i'm seventeen just like you
haha razz
how's your summer?