
Cyntryli's avatar

Last Login: 01/27/2025 12:19 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/02


Animal Crossing Playlist


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Suyuku-SAMA Report | 05/26/2015 4:48 pm
I had my creativity die on me due to stress of trying to get a friend back in the country it was so freaking hard I got depressed and writing didn't bring me out of it (which it normally does... sweatdrop ) though thanks to a youtuber who did a play-through of a game it came back via fan-fiction (you might have seen it on DA or wattpad) and slowly but surely I'm now back writing my stories and am even planning (fingers crossed) to get a table at a con in September so there's that, what about yourself? heart
Suyuku-SAMA Report | 05/26/2015 11:26 am
it's okay things like that happen no problem hi by the way 4laugh
Suyuku-SAMA Report | 12/24/2014 11:50 am
hey you want anything for xmas? whee
Operadaisuki26 Report | 11/02/2014 9:13 am
Happy Birthday!
Here is a slice of cake to celebrate your special day!
User Image
Mother Birthday Report | 11/01/2014 11:25 pm
Mother Birthday
User Image11-02-14
Mother Birthday Report | 11/01/2013 10:13 pm
Mother Birthday
User Image 11-02-13
Suyuku-SAMA Report | 10/30/2013 10:43 pm
your PM's are still blocked for some reason so I have to put it here sorry... sweatdrop

Yeah I know, I have one comment that goes "THIS STORY IS AWESOME BUT ADD ROMANCE!!!" Or something along those lines... stare
And work is going well, it's a bit hard on the feet but I'll get used to it before you know it biggrin also I have plans for a "short" story, I say it like that because it's kind of getting a bit lengthy... sweatdrop I find that I'm too wordy (is there even such a thing?) but anyway it's a romantic tragedy drama, which is becoming a dying art crying there are some really good ones out there, heck I wrote one a while back, I think I told you about it before. but there are such things as good tragedy, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be overly sad, it will have it's moments, but when the story is over it gives the reader a chance to think about not only the book but themselves and how things in our life make us who we are.
At least that's what I go for. heart
music is really helpful in this regard, especially one of the opening's and the first ending to the anime Clannad. the story is so cute and it has the tendency to rip your heart repeatedly throughout the show. Seriously, at one point, and another number of times, you will be crying. xd I balled my eyes out a few times ha!
Also how's school and you're book coming along? 3nodding

oh and also I'm in arena's this week take a look and comment on what you think okay?? 4laugh
Mr Restricted Report | 10/30/2013 8:52 pm
Mr Restricted
Oh yeah, I totally forgot I owned that item too. LOL. I have 15 other items in store x.x
They're not buying 'cos they're thinking ''should I buy this'', ''Should I buy this deflating item''
I think 'cos Flynn's Booty has got out of the cash shop, more items are going down, it's a good thing though biggrin
Mr Restricted Report | 10/30/2013 8:43 pm
Mr Restricted
heart No worries!
& I noticed the competition 20minutes ago, every time I reply back to you I forget to inform you you've got outbid gonk
Mr Restricted Report | 10/30/2013 8:33 pm
Mr Restricted
Hahaha! You got me laughin' wink
And Thanks, I feel good being your richest communicator heart
I@m not so good with avatars, but I could give it a go =)



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