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Veijari Starling Report | 03/29/2017 10:28 am
Veijari Starling
Mana_ecl Zetsuya Report | 03/24/2016 7:21 am
Mana_ecl Zetsuya
I bet that will be absolutely wonderful! I wish I got holidays like that. I get to work all weekend and then some. Ha ha... T.T
Mana_ecl Zetsuya Report | 03/23/2016 5:32 am
Mana_ecl Zetsuya
-hugs- I've been alright. Lots of work, I'm pretty exhausted overall. @.@
Mana_ecl Zetsuya Report | 03/19/2016 1:04 am
Mana_ecl Zetsuya
CYCY!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Mana_ecl Zetsuya Report | 11/01/2015 10:43 pm
Mana_ecl Zetsuya
Hi you! :3
monkay0266 Report | 05/02/2015 8:16 pm
Yeah, I get what you mean.
I've been busy working and doing the school thing.
I'm supposed to be graduating in December, so it's been chaos trying to make sure everything gets done.
Applying for an internship with the museum near school for this fall, so I've been chasing around getting everything situated with that.
Semester ends in a little over a week, so it's the rush to finish the final projects and such. DX
monkay0266 Report | 05/01/2015 5:51 pm
Love you Cy~
I've been rather absent from this site, but I thought I'd drop some love to all those Gaians I miss hoping you'll get the message one day.
I don't stalk DA like Sage does anymore, so I haven't seen you around.
Hope all is well.
Take care! <33
Scott Illudus Delial Report | 03/15/2015 2:49 am
Scott Illudus Delial
Show,fair, something neat! We go to the capital and stay a weekend there. Then its lots of neat breeds and shopping and i might get riding lessons!
Scott Illudus Delial Report | 03/15/2015 12:28 am
Scott Illudus Delial
Thats a tough spot! I cant imagine stepping outside to get to a bathroom! Thats a lucky break its summer over there!
I've been great! Love and life both have been kind this year! New place is nice, and ill soon be at a horse fair! c: Im pretty excited!
Scott Illudus Delial Report | 03/02/2015 9:32 pm
Scott Illudus Delial
Hi Cy! c: Hows the search for new residence?

Retired =___=