
 cvbkfgbkjmgbcj's avatar

Last Login: 01/19/2015 2:17 pm

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--I'm a teenage girl. No, not *that* kind. I'm a person, not a freaking fangirl.
--My name comes from the Velvet Underground song, Venus in Furs
--I am a slightly geeky fantasy junkie and also and intellectual. This means my knowledge *does* reach beyond the world of Middle-Earth.
--I complain a lot. Sorry about that, folks.
--I have an eclectic taste in everything--food, clothes, music, books....
--I like to explore places/concepts/cultures/books.
--As a geek, there are certain things I do adore, but I draw the line at obsession. No obsessing for me.
--I am secretly a sucker for romance.
--One day, I will be fluent 4+ languages and live in Prague.
--Check out my tumblr here It's a sort of collection of oddities and art. None of that emo melodramatic, words-on-paper-about-how-alone-alone-you-are s**t, I promise.


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Upirium Report | 08/21/2013 6:57 pm
Probably not...A beer, is he going to be a drunk?
I feel like he'd be less recognizable if I chnged it.
Upirium Report | 08/21/2013 6:49 pm
thank you biggrin i changed my name to match it. everyone took all the good names though.
500 Days of Salwa Report | 01/05/2013 9:19 pm
500 Days of Salwa
Oh that's cool <W< Sherlock holmes is like ajkhsdkajds ;u; yey
Erm, not really anything too interesting. Like, I'm actually pretty happy right now tho c': which has gotten to be pretty rare so askdhaskjd
but dewd, do you play xbox or anything? <~<
I dont, and someone asked me to play right?
and i was like idk how too play, but fine fine, ill try and learn
and everyone like pwns my a** man ;n; in like, black ops 2 and stuff D: im soooo bad at it
like, my friend just started playing too, and she can beat my a** ;n; lol and im so bad i killed myself 3 times._.
and im not even good at zomg anymore ;n; WHAI IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME
500 Days of Salwa Report | 01/04/2013 8:53 pm
500 Days of Salwa
Ohmagawd, and I haven't spoken to YOU in fo-eva O:
sahdaskjd what. coincidences. gurl.
Lol but really, how ya been?;D
I've missed your fine a** commenting on my profile ;n;
xX-wanderlust-Xx Report | 11/20/2012 7:49 pm
Thank you! I really like the contrast in your avi, it brings out the details really nicely ^^
xX-wanderlust-Xx Report | 11/20/2012 6:41 pm
I just came to tell you your avi was gorgeous, but your music taste coincides with mine (: Arctic Monkeys, Cage the Elephant, The White Stripes? You're awesome.
Thanks for bumping my aquarium thread btw
lemonbelle Report | 08/11/2012 9:20 am
herro my loves.
you should give meh monies. not really.
live long and prosper or something.
Witherbelle Report | 07/26/2012 4:58 pm
Written works are usually science fiction/fantasy-based when they pique my attention, but horror elements are always welcomed into the mix! Movies are more my cup of tea when it comes to the oogies and the boogies.
That being said; what sorts of flicks tickle your fancy?
Witherbelle Report | 07/15/2012 4:57 pm
Hi. Noticed we have a shared interest in Charles de Lint. He writes beautiful literature, hands-down one of my favorite authors (if not stealing the seat for Number 1).
If ever you find yourself in this neck of the woods again: I'd love for us to chat. Hope you're having a lovely day whenever it is you read this!
D-CheRRyFluffer Report | 10/01/2011 7:46 am
Well, I don't mind. Either way *fistbump*



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