Hi! I'm 16 years old. smileI live in Singapore n tats no lie! :p
I am a chinese. whee
I lov hanging out with frens and chatting with them. smile
I also love to make new frens in school and outside of school(lik in Gaia wink )!
I'm not a popular type but i'm still able to make frens! whee
I lov 2 watch all may fav shows and i lov listening 2 my fav music everyday! wink
I lov 2 sing all my favourite songz!!! whee
I wish u guyz can hear it but,i dunno how 2 put it in the playlist... sweatdrop
I lov watching anime shows(i think i'm kinda old as i'm still watching it sweatdrop ) , it always bring the excitement in the stories and the happy endings(i always lik happy endings lol )! biggrin
Well, i may be a little(or alot) old in watching animes, there's a kid in my heart who liks watching it! lol
My favourite anime show is Naruto, Shugo Chara, Skip Beat!, Kamichama Karin and Avatar: The Legend Of Aang! heart
My favrourite anime charcater is:
~Sasuke,Zuko,Amu,Ikuto,Ran,Miki,Suu,Dia,Kyoko,Ren,Karin and Kazune (No.1) heart
~Sakura,Katara,Kakashi,Aang,Kukai,Yaya,Pepe,Daichi,Negihiko/Nedishiko,Temari,Kairi, Himeka,Kirika,Mr. Yashiro,Maria (from Skip Beat!),President (maria's grandfather from Skip Beat!) and Sho (No.2) whee
~Naruto,Toph,Suki,Mai,Ty-Lee,Sokka,Utau,Iru and Eru (No.3) 3nodding
~Azula,FireLord Ozai,Tadase and Kiseki (No.4). confused
Tats all i can tell u about myself. sweatdrop
C ya!!! biggrin
P.S: My birthday is actually on the 27/01 and not on the 26/01. I didn't realise it until a few months ago (on my birthday when my friends were giving me presents)... Kinda embaressing really... sweatdrop
Amulet Heart

Total Value: 440,729 Gold
After Exclusions: 436,216 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Light Purple Leg Warmers -Bought
PomPoms (Burgundy & Orange) -Bought
Warm Starter Athletic Girl Shoes -Bought
Flashy Summer Top -Bought
Demonic Pendant
Pink Ribbon Skirt -Bought
That Red 90s Visor -Bought
Red Heart Balloon -Bought
Amulet Spade

Total Value: 14,062 Gold
[Item Information]
YAHOO!!! Second Dream Avatar has been accomplished thnx to emo shrimpy panda for the Elegant Snowy Cravat! THANKS ALOT!!!~ xd heart
Item List:
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots-Bought
Elegant Blue Ribbon -Bought
Blue Candy Striped Stockings -Bought
Ocean Cut Off Shorts -Bought
Black Paintbrush -Bought
Elegant Snowy Cravat -Bought
Ribbon Luv Sleeves White -Bought
White Street Top -Bought
Anti-Fashion Blue-Lilac Head Wrap -Bought
Katara The Waterbender

Total Value: 9,980 Gold
After Exclusions: 2,165 Gold
[Item Information]
YAY! I've finally accomplished one of my first Dream Avatars!~ xd
Item List:
Metallic Ghost Hunter Utility Boots -Bought
Blue Cat Collar -Bought
Those Blue 90s Gloves -Bought
Lunar Hairpin -Bought
Magic Island Orb -Bought
Dashing Gentleman Diamond Sash -Bought
Breeze Ruffled Skirt -Bought
Aqua Ruffled Ribbon Tie Top -Bought
Ninja Sakura

Total Value: 48,384 Gold
After Exclusions: 46,976 Gold
[Item Information]
Yes! My third Dream Avatar is done! Thnx for everyones' donations! xd heart
Item List:
Naruto Kunai -Bought
Kung Fu Panda Chinese Star -Bought
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots -Bought
Fitted White Shorts - grey trim -Bought
Lawl And Order Belt -Bought
Red FLEX Top -Bought
Dark Star -Bought
Dark Star -Bought
#000000 Complex Band -Bought

Total Value: 1,957,658 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Buttoned Down Fauna Boots -Bought
Angelic Pendant
Kokeshi Fan -Bought
Kokeshi Fan -Bought
Kokeshi Kimono -Bought
Satin Hairbow -Bought
Autumn Glory -Bought
Vampire Hunter

Total Value: 199,369 Gold
After Exclusions: 192,269 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Shade Ghost Hunter Protective Gloves
Black Magic Boots
Red Tied Top -Bought
Red Cowboy Bandana -Bought
The Lusty Scoundrel
The Lusty Scoundrel
Black Heartbreaker Jacket -Bought
Dark Vinyl Strap Pants
Red Wine Pimpin' Hat
Whip of Fire
Whip of Ice
Lawl And Order Belt -Bought
Chocola The Witch (from Sugar Sugar Rune)

Total Value: 116,612 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Magical Girl's Pink Uniform
Magical Girl
Magical Girl
Magical Girl's Pink Uniform
Sweetheart Gold Pendant
Raspberry Bow Witchling Broom
Lovely Pink Witchling Hat
Lovely Pink Witchling Dress
Musical Night

Total Value: 1,680,082 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Picolitrosso's Urn 9th Gen.
Dreamer's Dust
Oisin's Blessing
Gimpi 7th gen.
Rufus Cosplay -Bought
Caroling Sheet Music -Bought
Kong Sang Scarf -Bought
GO Phones
GO Player
Audrey's Black Strap Heels -Bought
Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans
Classic Partition Top -Bought
Angelic Microphone
Demonic Anklets
Grey Beret
Those Blue 90s Gloves -Bought
Hi guys, wanna join this site? This is the Pokemon Farm where you can so anything there (mostly for pokemon that is, LOL lol ) its really fun there and you can make new frens so if you LOVE POKEMON and LOVE HAVING FUN then you have gotta join this! Join now! Get a starter pokemon! And let your pokemon adventure BEGIN!!!~~~ smile smile smile
Copy and paste thw website or just click it and go there now!: http://www.punbb-hosting.com/forums/pokemonfarm/index.php

This is my adopted nekos:

I've adopted a neko!
Name: Ikuto
Likes: Chocolate, people being happy, fish, and me
Dont like: vanilla, seeing people sad and people who cheats
Owner: Cute Lovely Katara
You can adopt one too!
Adopt One!

I Adopted A Neko!
Name: Rayne
Likes: Chocolates, candy, making people happy and me!
Dislikes: People who lies and cheats, mint ice-cream and stalkers!
Owner: Cute Lovely Katara
Adopt Today!

I adopted!
Name: Ikuto Tsukiyomi
Age: 21
Likes: Chocolate,fish,teasing me and me!
Dislikes: Vanilla,people flirting with me (lolz) and people stalking me (excuding him xp )
Owner: Cute Lovely Katara
Get one now!
And these, are my adopted chibis:

I adopted a chibi!
Name: Kakashi (aka: Kakashi sensei)
Likes: Hmmm... I don't fell like telling you right now...
Doesn't like: Hmm...
Owner: Cute Lovely Katara
You can adopt one too!
adopt me!

I adopted a chibi!
Name: Sasuke (aka: Sasuke-kun)
Likes: Chocolates, Kakashi sensei (likes him as a teacher), Sakura-chan, and me
Doesn't like: Annoying people, people bugging him and dark chocolates
Owner: Cute Lovely Katara
You can adopt one too!
adopt me!

I adopted a chibi!
Name: Sakura (aka: Sakura-chan)
Likes: Strawberries, Sasuke-kun, Kakashi sensei, making friends and me
Doesn't like: Annoying people, vanilla, dark chocolates and scary/horror movies
Owner: Cute Lovely Katara
You can adopt one too!
adopt me!
READ THIS!!!!!!!!
Kyoko: Do I ever cross your mind?
Ren: No
Kyoko biggrin o you like me?
Ren: Not really
Kyoko: Do you want me?
Ren: No
Kyoko: Would you cry if I left?
Ren: No
Kyoko: Would you live for me?
Ren: No
Kyoko: Would you do anything for me?
Ren: No
Kyoko: Choose--me or your life?
Ren: My life
Kyoko runs away in shock and pain and Ren runs after her and says...
The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind.
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you.
The reason I don't want you is because I need you.
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left.
The reason I wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you.
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you.
The reason I chose my life is because YOU ARE my life.
Ren and Kyoko were riding on a motorcycle...
Kyoko: slow down i'm scared.
Ren: no this is fun.
Kyoko: no it's not please it's way to scary!
Ren: then tell me you love me.
Kyoko: I love you now slow down.
Ren: now give me a big hug.
Kyoko: -gave him a big hug-
Ren: can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself? it's bothering me.
-in the newspaper the next day a motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it and only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road Ren realized that the breaks were out and he didn't want Kyoko to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for a person you love then copy this into your profile.
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╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥animes!!!
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