Jackie is a werewolf eating cupcake! ;D

Cupcakes and Werewolves's avatar


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Mm, tektek

Stuff I'm wearing. I'm very poor.



Changed the screenname. I *was* jackieBAM.

And you can still call me Jackie. =]

I like cupcakes. And werewolves. They're cuter than vampires.

I'm pretty simple in that complicated sort of way. I'm a very "everywhere" sort of person. I'm not strong at one particular thing, unless being a good friend is a strong trait. I think it is, but you don't get any special awards for that. The love you do get is pretty great though. =]

I've found my other half, my sister from another mister, and my best GREAT friend. I love all three of them to pieces. Greatest people on Earth.

I like strawberry flavored anything. None of my favorite colors match. I like to crunch ice. I love trees. I'm not actually Asian, I just look like one. I love you.

PS I'm sixteen, lacking in the ability to drive a car, and PROUD. =p Kinda. In that, "I'm just gonna suck it up" sort of way. =]


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Pickyboy Report | 02/06/2019 1:02 pm
Been on this friendslist for 11 years Add “pabs loves you” let’s talk
darlingholland Report | 07/05/2008 4:17 pm
I would be happy to do so! ^_^

Delete him already! I'll do it for you! Jeez, wimp!
lissabod Report | 01/29/2008 4:08 pm
Sorry I haven't replied in such a long time! DX I wuv wuv wuv you, Lady Wolfcake, I just don't know what I could possibly type that you would find interesting... Oh, d-d-d-d-dear. Well, I'm enjoying a nice "Roasted Garlic" Triscuit snack at this moment. X3 I'm so hungry! I must find something savory, salty, somethin' I can sink my teeth into and go "Auhhh" like Homer Simpson.

I hope all is well with you! Rest well, and be safe! Tell Thom I wuv him, too. I've been such a leech, and he's done so much for me, it's a wonder he hasn't said goodbye yet! <3
darlingholland Report | 01/26/2008 2:37 pm
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Your avatar is so shocking!

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`Kipcha Report | 01/19/2008 11:57 pm
interesting video you have there.

i have taken a liking to it.

lissabod Report | 01/11/2008 4:14 pm
<3! Hah, I love dancing! I used to take Irish dancing lessons when I was younger, at Golden Greene: School of Irish Dancing. X3 Yoga was fun, too! Last year, my P.E. teacher, Ms. Kiyota, took my almost all-female class to the wrestling room, where we did Yoga and Pilates (In fact, I think the only boy there dropped out). My favorite pose was called the "corpse pose," as we got to lie down on the soft ground in the dark, relaxing. Anyway, I need to get back into dancing!

Nooo... I haven't heard anything from Thom since I saw him last Sunday... I heard no message from neither you nor Thomas. Oh, dear. I'm so glad to hear from you, too! I also tend to suck at commenting, especially on Myspace, hah. My name's nicht typisch, by the way, found at www.myspace.com/cresentcut. <3 If you wanna be mah fried. Oh! And I'm so excited that Thom got a job at Togo's!! (It's Togo's, right? Or Togos, or neither?) Haw, I do miss him. I miss you, too. We haven't met in person, but I like your WORDDDS. :3

I've never taken Band... I haven't had much experience with instruments, with the exception of poking at piano keys or plucking guitar strings. My school doesn't offer a course for absolute beginners. It's only if you've had some experience. DX So I can't learn there, nope. I do so want to learn to plaaay something! I can't really sing, but if I could play an instrument, I could somehow express the songs I write. Oh, well, SOMEDAY! XD
Himiwari-Chan Report | 01/11/2008 6:47 am

But I don't really like watching babies :/

But I like candy!

Himiwari-Chan Report | 01/09/2008 5:09 am
Because it sucks for me :3
lissabod Report | 01/06/2008 8:20 pm
<3! Hello! I am happy! X3 I just spent time at the mall with my beloved trio of young men, one of them being my love, haw. My feet are warm, I'm full, and it's time for me to take some vitamins... Huzzah! How are yoooou?
Himiwari-Chan Report | 01/06/2008 12:23 am
I hate Halloween :/

Eiko Shimamiya "Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni"


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Whatever I feel like writing, jeez.
