Crying Ghost

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Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/03/1989


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Good bye

I dont know when I will be back but I want to tell every one good bye....They are sending me away some where..I guess to a mental hospital. They think I am going insane. It may be just a few months or maybe a year. If they let me on the computer there I will say how I am doing it.

Hanna where ever you are I dont know if spirits can see things writen online but I'll say this any way. I still love you, You are still in my dreams and I see you in my mind every day. Even though they tell me to let go I wont. You are in a better place now where no one can hurt you. One day I'll be with you and when That happens we will be together again. our wolf pack will be complete once more.I pray that you dont have to wait too long for us to be together once more.

Good bye....I hope one day soon I will be able to get on and tell every one how I am doing.

In memory of my Love Hanna.

You may think that it is alright to bully or torture someone because of their religion or sexuality. Your parents may think that those people deserve it. That they are going to hell anyway. Please dont believe that. Every one deserves to be loved to be cared about.

The teacher sees us crying in the hall...they dont bother to ask us whats wrong because our limp and our bruises say enough. They dont care enough to help us survive. Other students watch them knock us them start to kick us and hurt us. All they do is stare. The teachers come then but as they help us up he scream at them. "LEAVE US ALONE!" They didnt bother to help us before we dont need their help now. Silently we walk one gives us a ride...its seven miles to her home...eight miles to mine. But we walk it anyway...When we get home we both lock our selves in our rooms and do the one thing that helps us live. Deep red lines appear on our skin...I call her we talk about it...we laugh and say that in our world people like those would just be monsters to slay.

Late at night. I sneek friend meeds me in one of the farms...we sit on a hill and watch the starts praying to the goddess it will all be ok. But it wont as the next day it get worse. A broken leg...a dislocated shoulder. She sits by me while they fix my leg. Shes holding my hand telling me its ok even though its not.

It goes on for years...broken bones...the depression pills...thearpy...scars go deeper and deeper. But we hang on we have eachother. Every night we meet...sit under the stars and do our homework...we havn't given up...

Then One day...My friend...I cant find her shes not at school. I call her...we talk...she doesnt want to come to school any more. I ditch for the day and we meet by the farm...shes crying...I hold her and tell her that I wont leave...she says its over...she cant take it. I convince her to come to school to spend her time with me.....Our necklaces were stolen the next day....she went to report it...I couldnt find her...I go into the bathroom...I find her...Eyes lifeless...unmoving. Shes gone....A note carved on her arm....I love you liz...thats what it says....I fall...and I cry...the teachers hear me and see what has happened. They ask what happened and I scream at them. "LEAVE US ALONE!" They have to drag me away....I stay by her until they lower her in the ground even then I stay and watch as the dirt is thrown on her. I imagine that she is next to me...we laugh and she would say in her perfect way. tomorrow will be better..

But there will be no tomorrow for her....I spend the night there....talking to her keeping her company through her first night. We talk and I think she laughed. I fall asleep on her grave....wishing that she were here.

Please Please help someone you see is hurting....Its already to late for me or for Hanna....


Secret Garden-Nocturne

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