
You see me and you know my name, but you don't know who I am, what I stand for, what I've been through or what I'm capable of, and that's
such a shame.
You can compliment me,and you can insult me. But dig a little deeper
and I'm sure you'll be impressed.
I see people for people, and I look for the life in someones eyes; I
know what you really are.
I'm a firm believer in the power of change. But there is one thing
I've learned, and that's that the hardest part of moving forward is
not looking back.
Now here I sit so far away, remembering all the memories, and it's
times like these that I miss the people I've lost most, remembering
when we were the best of friends.
Sometimes I wish I could fast-forward through time, just to see if
it's worth it all in the end.
People seem to come in and out of my life like a revolving door, and
all I really want is a few to stay.
I'm such a strong person with so much ahead of me, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to share it.
I analyze my dreams; they teach me about the one thing that I
can't seem to understand, which is myself.
I'm emotionally equipped to take on anything, and I know it.
I know what it's like to be at rock bottom.
I know what it's like to be your own best friend.
I know how it feels to hate yourself.
Don't think you're the only one who goes through it. It's a part of life.
I believe it formed me into the person I am. I believe things fall apart
so others can fall together.I believe that people always leave, so
I depend on only myself. I believe what doesn't kill you makes
you stronger.
I always try my hardest to give the best advice.
I have the craziest stories to tell.
I'll be the best friend you'll ever have. Or, I'll become the worst.

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