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CreamyRod's avatar

Birthday: 09/21

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This is me.

Well, my name is Tyler. I live in the beautiful city of Austin in the great state of Texas. I'm not your normal person, I've got psycological issues; Meaning my brain pretty abnormal. I'm a straight up music lover and you will NEVER see me without my ipod or making some form of music. I love to play instruments, I play bass, guitar, paino, drums, sitar(soon) and it is my dream to learn to play as many Stinkin' instruments as i can. I also Skateboard EVERWHERE, it's in my blood, and i could skateboard for the rest of my life and be perfectly content. I try my best to keep up with all my s**t here on gaia but i do go inactive for random periods of time, so if that occurs I apologize now in advance. Talk to me, get to know me, Then judge, cause i could give a s**t less what you think of me.

The intrests section is being stupid sooo I'm puttin the stuff here.

Favorite Bands:
Red hot chili peppers, Modest mouse, Vampire weekend, August burns red, Attack! Attack!, Beck, Bone thugs-n-Harmony, Bring me th horizon, Coldplay, Death cab for cutie, Eminem, Santana, gorillaz, Jason Mraz, Led zepplin, Rush, John Mayer, Kanye West, Lupe fiasco, Matt & Kim, MGMT, Muse, Nirvana, Passion pit, Owl city, Phantogram, Pink floyd, Rebeloution, Smashing pumpkins, Steve miller Band, Sublime, Tomorrows bad seeds, Yeah yeah yeahs
Soooo many more and i don't want to ramble more than i already have...

Favorite move: INCEPTION

Favorite Author: Rick Riordan

People i respect: Geddi Lee, Rodney mullen


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M3PHISTOPH3L3S Report | 11/30/2010 3:52 pm
You know Stephie. xD
666cm Report | 10/04/2010 7:32 pm
Haha! Want to buy more?

This is my s**t

"Stoners live and Stoners die,
but in the end we all get high.
So if in life you don't succeed,
screw it all and smoke some weed."


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