Count Alphez

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Gender: Male

Location: Perth, Australia

Birthday: 09/12


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The Vampire, a product of folklore and fiction, a being that would suck the life out of another, a vainglorious creature of such intelligence that despite it's lack of empathy, guilt or morals, could potentially seduce and manipulate his/her way through life under the guise of a normal person.

The Psychopath, a person diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder is an individual characteristic of glib/superficial charm, cunning, egocentricsm, manipulativeness, and a lack of empathy, responsibility and guilt. The psychopath is an incredibly narccissistic individual driven solely by his own desires.

Am i claiming to be either of these?
Yes, but i'll let you figure out which one...

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Sightly Report | 03/21/2009 2:53 am



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