Hey guys,
It's your loved Katelyn Jaklore speaking smile I am 13 years old and I love sports like - doogeball, basketball, ice-skating (I love it, I got a few medals too!!!), American football, soccer and lods more... My teacher and everyone I know says I got an amazing voice, but I don't ever want to be a singer, nah-hah, not for me, I think they're a bit lame... I might, might, might want to be an actress, I still dunno what am I ganna be, I mean I got a lot of choices, but it's hard, you know? Anyway.... Darn' move of stincky Justin!!! Man my brother is whiner!!!! He keeps on nagging to go on my lap top, and I keep telling him to push off since he has his own (the internet is gone for him so he keeps nagging me!!! I love him and all but, sometimes I hate him.

Ask some questions if you got any, see you, low you, kiss you wink


cool abi girl's avatar

Registered: 02/28/2009

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/24/1994


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Hello this is the cute me!

Hello I'm Katelyn's awesome friend!

Hello, I'm Katelyn's annoying bro!

Hello Katelyn is our favorite fan!

I am Luke Luke Luke Luke Katelyn's Best Friend!

Hey, I'm Ben Katelyn's boyfriend!

Me again! :)