If Justin Beiber was on the edge of a six story building 70% of teenagers would be crying. 27% percent would be laughing. 3% would waste their <a id="_GPLITA_1" style="color:green;text-decoration:none;border-bottom:3px double" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click.php?v=VVM6OTc0MjoxNjI6ZW5lcmd5OjI1YzFhYTI0ZDJjZDRhNzI5YjA2OGFhYTc5NTc2NDk1OnotMTAxOS0xMDA3MQ==">energy</a> running up six stories of stairs to push him off. If you are part of the 3% who would run up the stairs and push him off (i kno i am), copy and paste this on your profile.