
cat_biggrin I'm colorful_cat. In case you didn't figure it out, I'm a colorful person. Sometimes I type in colorful font. If you can't read it, see an eye doctor. If you want to read it, highlight it. If you won't read it, get out of my thread. If you don't like it, too bad. I probably don't like you either. If you're not going to change for me, don't expect me to change for you. And by the way, rainbow does not equal homosexual, happy, or childish. A rainbow is beautiful; nothing more, nothing less. If you were honest with yourself and stopped judging by stereotypes, you'd see that. cat_mrgreen

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My love shack:
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cat_biggrin The Love Shack is a little old place where we can get together
Love Shack baby! Love Shack baby! Love Shack, that's where it's at!
Love Shack, that's where it's at! Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a
lovin', wearin' next to nothing Cause it's hot as an oven The whole
shack shimmies when everybody's Movin' around and around and around!
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby! Folks linin' up outside
just to get down Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby Funky
little shack! Funky little shack! cat_mrgreen


Viewing 12 of 201 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 03/20/2014 6:36 pm


Hiya I've been away for awhile...saw you on my friends list so decided to pop in and say hello cat_biggrin

Report | 03/25/2013 7:02 pm


happy b-day biggrin
samm ravenblood

Report | 11/06/2011 3:15 am

samm ravenblood

Aww that sounds annoying. Maybe you can ge something like that from another person or website
4laugh Thanks for the compliment, I dont have my avi's on 'cute style ' often
Cats Pyjamas

Report | 11/03/2011 7:33 am

Cats Pyjamas

You're welcome!

Report | 10/28/2011 9:58 pm


emotion_zombie Be part of the "Zombie Madness'11", here...
Aki Maki

Report | 10/25/2011 12:47 am

Aki Maki

Well hello there, it's nice to meet you smile My sig isn't drawn by me (that friend, unfortunately, has quit Gaia), but I do commissions, too!

Report | 10/14/2011 3:42 am


I'm from Sweden and you get it at the schoollunch. Yes it taste like meat.

Report | 10/12/2011 5:18 am


Hard to say, as minced, boiled meat mixed with other stuff in a kind of stew. It's hard to describe the taste, but it isn't exactly good. Usually you have beetroots with it too.

Report | 10/10/2011 6:28 pm


...btw, why you send me a request?
Unclean Blood

Report | 06/17/2011 10:34 pm

Unclean Blood

I just felt like i had to add you o 3o
Cause i think your awesome D;


Care to donate more? 3nodding
[img:94e19e5111]http://i714.photobucket.com/albums/ww144/KILL_TheDead1st/Decorated images/__happy_halloween___by_kobocha.jpg[/img:94e19e5111][/center:94e19e5111]