
color_me_viking's avatar

Birthday: 01/01


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I'm a 24 yr old Canadian librarian...who happens to be covered in tattoos.

likes- dying my hair purple when the school I work at is out for summer vacay, Alice Cooper and drawing

dislikes- veggies, angry bosses and clowns.

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poet_for_the_lonely Report | 10/31/2010 4:24 am
Happy Halloween!
cheatfreak25 Report | 07/09/2010 6:46 pm
Good question....
cheatfreak25 Report | 07/09/2010 6:40 pm
Well, you'd definitely have a large range of weapons to choose from. You could even rent a torture room and capture some mimes.
cheatfreak25 Report | 07/09/2010 6:36 pm
Dont worry. If my plans go through, I could have subsidiaries of my Mime Hunting Ranch in other locations.
cheatfreak25 Report | 07/09/2010 6:16 pm
I once had a world domination plan that focused on evacuating all citizens of Australia, then sending every mime on the planet there before making it a Mime Hunting preserve. Pay a small fee, choose your weaponry, then go hunt mimes till your heart's content within a set time limit...
cheatfreak25 Report | 07/09/2010 6:08 pm
Clowns? So, are you afraid of them or can you not stand them?

Captcha words: refilled energy
Question_911 Report | 07/07/2010 2:51 pm
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Invisible Empire: A new World order defined!


Sweet misery a poisioned world and Sweet Remedy.

Please take a few moments if you have some time out of your day and watch these very important videos. smile

Thanks and have an excellent day!
Xx_Yellowcard_Emmy96_xX Report | 07/03/2010 6:22 pm
hey thx 4 joining my punk music guild smile hope u have fun


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