
colombo517's avatar

stuff i like

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here i am, like it or ******** off

hmm, well i guess this is where the things that make me me should go... lets see here, for my name, that is unimportant, if you know who i am, then your one of the few or many i guess depending on how you look at it, who get to know my name. if you happen to be a s**t talker, i have this to say, if you don't know who i am in real life, and still talk s**t about me, ******** you... what right do you have to say those things when you don't actually know the person. my religious beliefs are also unimportant. my philosophy is that since religion is a thing created by man, it is thus flawed, so no one person can be right. i find it better to find your own thing to hold on to in life to try and keep your sanity and make things easier. if you must label me, and that is an absolute must, then just go with whatever you think is correct. labels are just things that people use to trash other people so they can feel better about their pathetic lives. the ones who label are truly pathetic. as for my interests, i have many things that i like, and many things i hate with a passion. if you can't tell what those things are for the most part, then good for you. you are one of the few who don't label and judge before you know a person. if your one of the few, i will reward you with my interests and things i despise. i like video games, music, reading, watching movies. things i hate include disillusioned assholes who feel that they must belittle the entire world and make other people feel like s**t. abusive assholes who beat the s**t out of anyone that they deem weak enough. people who feel that the must force their beliefs on you are another big one. thats all i can pretty much think of i guess... as for other things, well, unless your one of the few who actually know me, then you don't get to know those things...


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Lady_Katiana_The_Brave_1 Report | 04/22/2011 10:20 pm
CajunStrange Report | 07/20/2009 2:37 pm
Yeah, yeah -shrugs-
CajunStrange Report | 07/18/2009 10:37 am
So you think... razz
CajunStrange Report | 07/18/2009 12:48 am
I can see that...

Though I'm pretty sure you missed one of them XD
rockstarnya Report | 04/26/2009 4:40 pm
heh heh heh
rockstarnya Report | 04/26/2009 3:49 pm
purple with lime green and red spots. white numbers. its sooooo cool.
rockstarnya Report | 04/26/2009 2:32 pm
eh im sorry bout that. But I got my first 20 sided dice. smile
rockstarnya Report | 04/26/2009 12:45 pm
thats awesome! biggrin
rockstarnya Report | 04/26/2009 12:43 pm
So how did the rest of yesterday go?
rockstarnya Report | 04/26/2009 12:40 pm
thats what im having an issue with XD
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